The clematis is one of the most beautiful climbing plants. Read here how you can achieve better growth and lush flowers with the right pruning.
The Clematis is a fast-growing clematis that blooms particularly lavishly. For this reason, the clematis must also be cut every now and then. The flowering time of the clematis depends on the variety, generally between April and July. Proper pruning is necessary to keep this flowering splendor coming back. A distinction is made between three types: the spring, the summer and the twice-flowering. And so it is cut.
Pruning clematis spring bloomers
These plants form their buds in autumn or late autumn so that they can be admired in full bloom in spring. Here the side shoots are shortened directly after flowering. Do not cut too hard and if possible not into the old wood.
Pruning clematis summer bloomers
These varieties grow from below, which means that there is no old wood here. They are therefore not cut immediately after flowering, but only in spring, before the plant begins to grow. Then the main shoots are cut back approx. 30 - 50 cm above the ground (see picture). But be careful: Don't cut too early, as the clematis is very sensitive to frost.Pruning Clematis Twice Bloomers
If you have particularly frost-hardy varieties such as 'Clematis Alpina' in your garden, you don't have to pay so much attention to care. Only the faded blossoms are removed here. You don't have to cut back the shoots.
However, a "radical cut" should also be carried out here at intervals of about 4 to 5 years, so that the plant can "recover". A so-called taper cut. The pruning is then carried out so far that only 30 centimeters of the shoots remain.
Sometimes it takes an effort to radically prune such a beautiful plant, but if you stick to the pruning guidelines just mentioned, you can look forward to wonderful and, above all, lush flowering clematis in the garden and on the balcony. Try it!