Christmas roses start flowering when other plants are still hibernating. However, optimal planting conditions must be created for magnificent growth.
Christmas roses are particularly popular in many gardens. This is probably also due to the fact that these plants can reach an age of up to 30 years. Of course, this only succeeds if the plants have been planted correctly and receive the appropriate care. But what makes the ideal location for Christmas roses? What is to be considered when planting the plants? We'll tell you.
Optimal planting conditions for the Christmas rose
❖ Location:
Partial shade and loamy or humus-rich soil are preferred by these plants. However, these plants cannot cope with waterlogging. The fact that they don't mind partial shade even means that these plants are excellent winter bloomers. A location near a tree that sheds leaves is therefore ideal. After all, this plant provides the necessary shade in summer.
Since the tree loses its foliage in winter, it must be ensured that the sun can sufficiently affect the Christmas roses during the cold season. The foliage that the neighboring plant sheds is also ideal because the humus content of the surrounding soil increases accordingly. This even ensures that the Christmas roses usually do not even have to be fertilized.
A suitable location for Christmas roses also means that these plants can grow there undisturbed. In order for Christmas roses to be able to live up to 30 years in the home garden, it is important to avoid damaging the roots. You should know that Christmas roses are characterized by a rather shallow root system. Regular digging up near the plants is therefore not recommended. In order for the roots to be able to spread and the plant to thrive, it makes sense to loosen the soil as deeply as possible before planting.
Christmas roses can not only be planted directly in the ground outdoors. Also in a bowl or in aThe Christmas roses find a cozy place in tubs, provided that the location conditions just mentioned are also met there. Bringing Christmas roses into the house is possible, at least in theory, if the rooms are sufficiently cool (e.g. in the bedroom). However, these are not the optimal site conditions for the plants, so this step should be avoided.
❖ Planting time
Autumn is the ideal time to plant Christmas roses. With a little luck and good care, Christmas roses will flower for the first time in winter. It can definitely make sense to plant a cluster of several Christmas roses in your own garden. The height of the plants is usually no more than 30 centimeters. This should mean that a distance of around 15 centimeters between the individual plants is completely sufficient in the long run.
If you missed the ideal planting time in autumn, you can plant Christmas roses in your garden just as well in spring. Christmas roses, also known as Christmas roses, look particularly good in groups of three to four plants.
❖ Attention poisonous
Christmas roses may be beautiful to look at. However, their attractive appearance cannot hide the fact that Christmas rusts are poisonous plants. So harmless as this plant looks, it is far from being. After all, every part of the plant from the flowers to the leaves and sap of the plant is poisonous - and very.
If your own skin comes into contact with the juice of the plant, irritation of the skin is more the rule than the exception. The juice or other components of the plant should therefore never get into your eyes. Wearing gloves is therefore a must. The Christmas roses should only be touched as often as is absolutely necessary for planting.
Before the surface of the gloves can be touched with bare hands, they should be thoroughly cleaned. It also makes sense to wear long-sleeved and long-legged clothing when planting the Christmas roses - even if autumn temperatures are still more like summer.
Since eating Christmas roses can even result in the death of the person concerned, it is not recommended to plant this plant in gardens where there are also pets and children. The following signs can indicate Christmas rose poisoning following consumption of the plant componentspoint out, whereupon the emergency doctor is to be contacted immediately:
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Racing Heartbeat
- dizziness
- Delirium
More planting tips
✢ Tip 1:
Before planting the so-called snow rose, a sufficiently large hole must be dug so that the root ball can sink completely into the ground. The planting hole should be about twice as deep as the length of the root ball. It is also important to sufficiently loosen the soil around the planting hole.
✢ Tip 2:
A digging fork is helpful. You can use it to pierce the soil several times in a row in different places, which will then be loosened at the same time. The introduction of a drainage layer can also be useful. This is particularly the case when the groundwater table is extremely high. A bit of mature compost can also be put in the planting hole. This is usually completely sufficient as a fertilizer for the Christmas rose.
✢ Tip 3:
Care is required when planting the Christmas rose. This is important in order not to destroy the fine roots and to minimize contact with the poisonous plant. After the plant has been inserted into the soil, the root ball can be covered with a little soil from above. The earth only slightly compete. The plant must then be watered sufficiently.
✢ Tip 4:
In principle, the Christmas rose gets along well with a wide variety of plants as neighbors. However, plants that prefer acidic soil, such as coniferous trees, and Christmas roses do not go together due to their different requirements for ideal soil conditions. Christmas roses are often sold in pots during the Christmas season, although they are much better off outdoors.
✢ Tip 5:
Moving a Christmas rose, which originally lived as a houseplant in a pot, to the outside needs to be planned carefully. Moving outdoors should only take place after flowering. In addition, the plant must gradually and carefully get used to the much colder outside temperatures. For this purpose, the plant in the pot should initially only be placed outdoors for a few hours. Provided that the temperatures inside and outside are approximately the same, this is ideal for planting Christmas roses.