Harvesting wild garlic - tips on timing, instructions & possible uses

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Wild garlic is a popular garlic alternative. For the best taste, however, there are a few things to consider when harvesting. Not only the right time is important, but also the way.

If you harvest wild garlic (Allium ursinum) fresh and use it in your own kitchen immediately after harvesting, you can benefit from the best possible taste of the plant.

But when is the best time to harvest so that wild garlic is really tasty as a fine spice? And what else is there to consider when harvesting this wild garlic? All hobby gardeners who have a burning interest in this topic will find the appropriate answers below.

When should wild garlic best be harvested?

The ideal time for harvesting wild garlic is before it blooms. Although the rumor persists that wild garlic is poisonous after flowering and should therefore no longer be eaten, this is not the case. However, as soon as wild garlic has bloomed, the consistency of the leaves changes. They become more fibrous, which in turn has a negative effect on the taste. The refinement of different dishes with a hint of wild garlic doesn't work that well anymore.

If you want to harvest really tasty wild garlic leaves, you can do so from March to April, and regionally sometimes even into early May. However, the exact time of harvest cannot be defined in general, as various site factors such as the following play a decisive role in this context:

  • when wild garlic starts sprouting on the forest floor
  • the regional climate
  • the weather conditions in the respective year

Harvest wild garlic like capers

Hobby gardeners who love the taste of capers should monitor the wild garlic blossom closely at their location. As long as the wild garlic blossoms have not yet blossomed, the buds can be harvested and then pickled. They later develop an aroma that comes very close to that of capers.

Harvest wild garlic correctly - This is how it works

At the harvestof the wild garlic, a concentrated approach is required. This applies above all in the forest and only to a limited extent in the hobby garden. Because in the wild there are quite a number of plants that look very similar to wild garlic. This can lead to unsightly confusion, since some of these plants are unfortunately poisonous and should not be eaten. Therefore, all wild garlic fans should know how to recognize the plant.

It makes sense to simply rub a leaf that you think is wild garlic between your fingers. If there is a smell reminiscent of fresh garlic, the chances are extremely good that it is in fact wild garlic. Because this smell is characteristic of the plant. Then the leaves can be happily harvested.

A small plastic bag is very helpful when harvesting. In this way, the leaves of wild garlic are not only easy to collect. Rather, they also preserve their freshness in this way. However, this only applies if the bag is then inflated and knotted with all the air inside.

Because then the leaves can't be crushed so easily when being transported home. This is good for the flavor. This protection also ensures that the wild garlic can retain its moisture better and therefore tastes great for longer. You can also add a little water to the bag to keep the wild garlic fresh. Wild garlic that has just been harvested stays fresh in the fridge for up to seven days, as long as it is wrapped in a piece of damp kitchen towel and not squashed.

Better not to harvest too much wild garlic at once

If you don't harvest wild garlic in the forest but in your own hobby garden, you should be careful not to take too much wild garlic at once. Because then the plant may find it difficult to regenerate. So it makes sense to only cut off as many leaves as you intend to use immediately. You need to use scissors or a sharp knife. If only one or two leaves are removed from each wild garlic plant, this is the most gentle for the plants.

If you want to harvest wild garlic in the forest and only come there for the harvest on one day, you can also take larger quantities. Although fresh wild garlic with the best aroma can attract attention, there is definitely the option of drying or pickling wild garlic. If you like, you can stock up on large quantities of wild garlic in the forest and preferably as soon as possibleprocess accordingly if possible.

Harvesting wild garlic - is there a risk of fox tapeworm infection?

Especially when the so-called forest garlic is harvested in the wild, it is rumored again and again that it is possible to become infected with the fox tapeworm via the wild garlic. There is no scientific evidence, but caution is advised. At least that's what the Robert Koch Institute says, which absolutely recommends thorough washing off of all food that grows close to the ground.

If it is a risk area where an increased risk of infection is to be assumed, it is also important that the freshly harvested wild garlic leaves are not only washed thoroughly, but also boiled or alternatively dried. In the following regions, this step can turn out to be very useful for your own he alth:

  • on the Swabian Alb
  • in the Allgäu
  • in Upper Swabia
  • in the Alb-Danube region

Fresh wild garlic tastes far better than dried or boiled wild garlic. Depending on the current risk situation, it is therefore necessary to question whether the wild garlic harvest makes any sense in the regions mentioned.

Harvest wild garlic leaves as a spice

Whether in soups or in salads, freshly harvested wild garlic can be used in many ways in your own kitchen. This is also shown, for example, by the following list, which lists the various uses of wild garlic as a spice:

  • Wild garlic to refine herb quark, cream cheese or scrambled eggs
  • Pasta sauce with wild garlic
  • Wild garlic butter (particularly tasty with poultry and meat)
  • Pesto made from fresh wild garlic (so wild garlic can also be enjoyed later in the year)