Medinilla, or Medinilla magnifica, is anything but undemanding. If you want to get the exotic on the windowsill, you have to consider a few things in advance.
Bring the tropics home - Medinilla magnifica makes it possible. The attractive flowering plant is one of a few species among the exotic black-mouthed plants that are suitable for indoor culture. So that the eye-catching flowers can be admired, the plant lover is quite challenged, because the magnificent plant is not one of the most easy-care representatives in the flower window. If the site conditions and soil requirements of the Medinille are taken into account, the foundation for he althy growth has already been laid. Find out now what you need to consider when planting the medinilla.
Find the right location
It's not exactly easy to find the right location. This can already be guessed when we look at the plants in their original home. Medinilla are epiphytes, meaning the plants grow on tree branches rather than in the ground. This happens in tropical forests at altitudes of 1,000 meters and in high humidity.
The windowsill at home doesn't really seem ideal. A serious problem is the space available. Medinilla grow quite sprawling and look much better on a small table or stool in the room. A bright location is required. The Medinille is in good hands in a heated conservatory. The plant likes to refrain from the blazing midday sun. Morning and evening sun, on the other hand, do no harm. In winter, sun can be tolerated all day long.
✓ Warm location
A warm location is particularly important. The temperatures should not drop below 20 degrees. The winter rest period is excluded. Temperatures around 15 degrees are also tolerated here.
→ Tip: Medinilla needs a dormant period in winter to develop flowers.
When choosing a location, the plant does not like experiments. If you move the medinilla while the flowers are developing or flowering, you risk dropping buds and flowers. The same can already happen if the plant is only rotated or moved.
✓ HighHumidity
Furthermore, high humidity must be ensured. This should not be less than 50%. In order not to have to spray constantly, the plant pot can also be placed in a saucer or planter filled with water. However, the roots should not come into direct contact with the liquid, as this would cause the roots to rot. Place the plant pot on gravel or small stones.
The right location in keywords:
- light
- no midday sun in summer
- Temperatures not below 20 degrees
- high humidity
- Do not move or move plant
- Avoid drafts
Selecting the ideal substrate
The plants need well drained soil. The substrate can be neutral to slightly acidic (pH about 5.5).
It makes sense to make the substrate yourself:
- 1/3 loose compost
- 1/3 peat
- 1/3 coarse leaf soil
- some sand
Alternatively, cactus soil or commercially available potting soil, which is mixed with clay granules in a ratio of 1:1, are also suitable.
The ideal substrate in keywords:
✓ permeable
✓ loose
✓ slightly acidic
Planting Medinilla - step by step
- Select Location
- Provide planter
- Make sure there are enough drainage holes
- Put drainage in the bottom of the vessel
- Fill in substrate
- Insert plant carefully
- fill up with remaining substrate
- Press the earth lightly
- Water the plant well
Since the Medinille does not tolerate waterlogging, this should be considered when planting. The planter must have sufficient drainage holes so that the irrigation water does not accumulate in the plant pot. Drainage made of potsherds in the bottom of the vessel is also helpful. Before the plant is placed in the new planter, it can take a short bath in warm, lime-free water. To protect the roots, the plants should be used carefully.
Medinille: Planting tips at a glance
Measure | Description |
Location | » A bright location should be ensured. » In summer the blazing midday sun is not tolerated. » The humidity should never drop below 50%. » Larger ones It is better to place plants freely in the room than in a flower window that is too narrow. » The location is not closed while the flowers are forming and floweringchange. |
Select substrate | » The soil should be loose and slightly acidic. » A mix of potting soil and clay granules is well suited. » Cactus soil can also be used. |
Planting Process | » It is important to choose a sufficiently large planter that is not too light. » A drainage system in the bottom of the planter protects against waterlogging. » The roots should be protected when planting.» The plants are watered well. » The irrigation water should be able to run off immediately. |
When does the medinilla have to be repotted?
If the plant was purchased new, it does not have to be repotted in the first year. The plants are sold in a substrate that contains all the nutrients they need. Older plants are repotted every two to three years.
The best time is spring. In general, Medinilla can be repotted all year round - with the exception of the flowering phase, when the plant reacts very sensitively to any kind of stress and should not be moved at all if possible.
→ Tip: The planter should not be too big, but it should be sufficiently heavy so that the rather heavy and sprawling plant in it does not tip over.
Is the Medinial suitable for hydroponics?
If a plant is already in the ground, it will hardly adapt to hydroponics. Medinillas are particularly sensitive to relocation, so this experiment is best avoided.
If you want to grow a Medinilla in hydroponics, you have the best chance with a fresh cutting. This one has not yet been planted in soil and will most likely get used to hydroponic conditions.