Planting Dipladenia - instructions and important information on location and soil

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The Dipladenia is one of the most popular flowering and climbing plants. It is easy to cultivate and easy to care for. But be careful, the parts of the plant are poisonous.

The abundance of flowers makes the Dipladenia a popular plant for balconies and terraces. The plants from South America are also known under the name Mandevilla. Over 100 species ensure a diverse and varied sea of flowers. Planting and cultivating Dipladenia is easy with a few tips.

Due to the wide variety of species, Dipladenia can not only be purchased in a wide variety of shades of red, pink or white, it is also important to take the growth characteristics of the Mandevilla into account. When planting, it is important to note that these are mostly climbing plants. As a result, they not only need a sufficiently large planter, but also a suitable climbing aid. In addition to strongly climbing varieties, there are also upright-growing and rather compact-looking species on the market. Please note the information provided by the suppliers and choose the plants according to your personal taste and the prevailing conditions.

Find the right location

The plant, which originates from South America, primarily needs warmth. The exotics can spend the summer on the balcony or terrace. The plant does not like blazing midday sun. A protected location is therefore an advantage. This also refers to strong winds and downpours. The location should be as airy as possible. The plant gets less stagnant air. In the tropics of South America, the trees provide natural protection from wind and rain.

The plants are not hardy, which makes keeping them outdoors difficult. As early as September, when the nights are starting to get colder, the Mandevilla should move indoors. A sunny window seat is the ideal location for the hard-working bloomers, which can also be cultivated as houseplants all year round. The plant's rest period begins in October. The temperatures can then drop to about 15 degrees and less water is poured. From March, the plant will sprout again and gradually adapt to a warmer climateUsed to outdoor location.

» Tip: If the winter is too warm, the plant will not bloom the following year.

In short:

  • sunny
  • breezy
  • protected from wind and rain
  • light

Select the right substrate

Less demands are placed on the substrate. Conventional compost-based potting soil can be used. Since the plants do not tolerate waterlogging, it makes sense to lay a drainage made of potsherds at the bottom of the planter. Alternatively, the plants can also thrive in a mix of clay, peat, leaf soil and sand. By adding perlite, you make the soil more permeable.

In short:

  • loose
  • permeable
  • nutrient rich

The right planter for the different varieties

PlantersA planter is suitable for compact, upright varieties such as Mandevilla sanderi. Species that need climbing aids are also suitable for planters. These include Diamantina Opals and Topaz.
Traffic lights and balcony boxesTrailing to semi-trailing species such as Jade White or Opale are suitable for planting in boxes or hanging baskets.
Beds and open spaces Dipladenia from the Jade series or the popular Mandevilla sanderi can also spend the summer in the garden bed.

Planting Dipladenia - explained step by step

  1. choose the right planter
  2. Place drainage from potsherds
  3. Fill in substrate
  4. Insert plant
  5. Press the bottom well
  6. Insert trellis
  7. Water the plant well
  8. choose suitable location

Care tips for strong young plants

After planting, Dipladenia need a light and warm location. Young plants are sensitive to direct sunlight and should be protected from full midday sun. Wind and rain also damage the plants and can lead to the loss of leaves and flowers. The Mandevilla must be watered sufficiently. Waterlogging can quickly attack the sensitive roots of young plants. This can be prevented by draining potsherds. Potted plants have a high nutrient requirement. If compost is already mixed under the potting soil during planting, a long-term fertilizer is provided. During the growth phase, the young plants canReceive a dose of liquid fertilizer every 14 days.

Repot Dipladenia

The Dipladenia should get a larger planter about every two years. If the plant pot chosen is too small, it may be necessary to replant the following year. This can be clearly seen when the planter appears to be heavily rooted and the roots are already protruding from the planter. The plant pots should be selected significantly larger than their predecessors. The potsherds on the bottom of the vessel should not be forgotten to prevent waterlogging. If the plant has grown significantly, it may also be necessary to replace the climbing aid when transplanting. Root balls that are too lush can be easily thinned out when transplanting.

Dipladenia - tropical beauty with pitfalls

When planting the Mandevilla, it should be noted that it is a member of the dogbane family. All plant parts of the Dipladenia are poisonous. The contained milky juice should not come into contact with the skin. Skin irritation can result. Consuming the sap of the plant can lead to severe symptoms of poisoning. Gloves should always be worn when planting and caring for the Mandevilla.

» Caution: Anyone who has children or pets should reconsider purchasing Dipladenia or take appropriate protective measures, because all parts of the plant are poisonous.