Nestfarn care - How to water, fertilize and overwinter it properly

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A species-appropriate care of the nest fern is important for the tropical plant. It is important to take the needs of the nest fern into account.

The Asplenium family occurs worldwide in about 700 species. The main distribution area of the nest fern (Asplenium nidus) is in Asia, Australia and East Africa. The nest fern differs from the other species due to its funnel-shaped growth habit. In its homeland, the nest fern lives up to its name and serves as a home for birds. In addition to the nest fern, the stag's tongue fern and the breeding fern are popular indoor plants in our latitudes.

In its original home of Malaysia, the nest fern is the most common type of fern, which grows epiphytically, i.e. on the branches of trees. The ferns are found there in all tree heights. The fronds are funnel-shaped and are able to catch rainwater. The plants grow in the mangrove forests on the coasts as well as in the mountain forests of China, at an altitude of almost 2,000 meters. Here you can find out how nest ferns can be provided with ideal growth conditions in their living room.

Water nest fern correctly

Watering requires a certain amount of finesse, as the soil must not dry out, but there should also be no waterlogging. The root ball should always be slightly damp. The upper layer of soil can dry out between the individual waterings.

Do not water with tap water. This contains too much lime. The better alternative is rainwater or stale tap water mixed with distilled water. Anyone who waters with tap water should repot their nest fern annually (instructions for planting and repotting nest ferns). The substrate can withstand the lime for a certain period of time, but the relevant tolerance limit is reached after about a year. If you don't react and replace the soil, you will notice reduced growth, dried up leaves and other deficiency symptoms in your plant.

Since the plants need high humidity, you should spray the nest fern several times a week. There should also be rainwater in the plant sprayer, because calcareous waterleaves stains on the fern fronds. A weekly immersion bath also satisfies the plant's need for liquid.

Where should you water?

This question arises when looking at the nest fern. Should the water be poured into the rosette or directly onto the ground? Both are possible. Every room gardener has probably developed his own method. However, you should avoid letting water run directly over the leaves when watering the nest fern.

How to ensure high humidity?

As a tropical plant, the nest fern cannot do without a constantly high level of humidity. This should be at least 50%, preferably a constant 60%. Ferns can therefore be cultivated very well in the bathroom. The room with the highest humidity is the ideal terrain for the nest fern and of course also for other representatives of the ferns.

There is nothing wrong with cultivating in the living room. Here you can help with a few methods to produce a bit of a tropical climate in addition to dry heating air:

  • Place the plant in a saucer filled with water
  • spray frequently
  • Put up or hang up the humidifier
  • Install indoor fountain

Fertilize nest fern correctly

The nutrient requirement of the plants is rather low. With a low concentration of liquid fertilizer you can support the growth of the nest fern in spring and summer. You should prefer organic fertilizers to commercially available preparations. The fertilizer doses are to be administered approximately at four-week intervals. Newly purchased plants are supplied with all the necessary nutrients and do not need to be given fertilizer in the first year.

The nest fern indicates a nutrient deficiency by wavy and brown leaf edges. The plant also reacts in a similar way when it is dry and should then be sprayed daily and dipped in water once a week.

Overwinter nest fern correctly

The nest fern does not take a winter break in the traditional sense. Cultivation should be done at room temperature all year round. The ideal temperatures are between 18 and 25 degrees. Under no circumstances should the thermometer sink below 16 degrees, as this would result in growth disorders. In addition, the plants do not want to be moved. This in turn means that the nest fern is confronted with dry heating air. A lot is demanded of you in winter, because you still have to maintain a high level of humiditycare for. Alternatively, the plant can move to the bathroom or bedroom as long as the temperature does not fall below 16 degrees.

You should reduce the watering slightly between October and February. You don't have to fertilize the plant in winter either. If you still want to do this, you can give liquid fertilizer in a light concentration every six weeks.