Propagating mountain palms - this is how it works with seeds and saplings

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Propagating the mountain palm is not child's play, but it is definitely doable. If you want to face the challenge and have enough stamina, you will find the right options here.

Mountain palms (Chamaedorea) are offered almost everywhere in specialist shops. So you won't have to stock up on popular houseplants. This could then be the starting signal for hoping for quick flowering in order to gain seeds yourself and then be able to start the adventure of propagation.

Propagation of mountain palms requires patience and perseverance and is not always crowned with success.

The easy way - propagation by saplings

Propagation by saplings is easy to do. A prerequisite for this, however, is a mountain palm, which should already be in your possession. It is an advantage if it is an older plant. Mature plants regularly develop side shoots near the ground. These saplings can be cut off without damaging the existing plant.

» Tip: If possible, use a sharp knife to cut the side shoot so that the cut edges do not fray and you do not damage the plant.

Then let the sapling dry a little. The rooting is carried out in a planter filled with potting soil. The process can be speeded up by putting a plastic cap over the cutting. Special rooting powder can also help. This is available in stores and also on Amazon for less than 10 euros. If the interface is dipped in this powder, the growth of the young plants is also stimulated. If new shoots form, the plastic hood can be removed. The young plant is now growing independently.

» Tip: Young plants have an increased need for water and nutrients.

Propagation by saplings at a glance:

  • Remove side shoot with a sharp knife
  • Placing a sapling in a planter
  • in a light spot at room temperatureplace
  • Plastic hood accelerates growth

The Pros and Cons of Propagation by Sapling

✔ This method works without much effort.
✔ There are no additional costs.
✔ The young plants only need a few weeks to grow.
✔ This method is quite promising.

✖ There must already be a mountain palm.
✖ The palm should be of an appropriate size and develop side shoots.

The test of patience - propagation by seeds

Where to get the seed?

These can be purchased in stores. This option will apply to you if you do not already have a mountain palm in your inventory. On the other hand, if you have a flowering mountain palm, it is worth collecting the seeds yourself.

Theoretically you need two plants, because the mountain palm has separate sexes. But one copy is usually sufficient. If you buy a plant, this usually happens in the form of a so-called tuff. This means that several plants were potted together in one planter. So there is a high probability that there are male and female plants in one planter.

So you can start the test and wait for the bloom. When the plant is in bloom, you need to get active and move a thin paintbrush over the flowers of the different plants. Now it's time to wait. If fertilization is successful, greenish seed pods will appear a few weeks later. As they mature, the seeds turn black. When the first fruits fall off the mountain palm, it's harvest time.

Do the seeds need to be pre-treated?

Regardless of whether you harvested the seeds yourself or bought them, the first step is to clean the seed pods. Use lukewarm water for this. The seeds should then be allowed to swell in a bowl filled with water for at least 24 hours.

What substrate should be used?

It is important that the substrate is pest-free. As we will learn, germination is a rather lengthy process and the substrate must be prevented from being used by insects to lay their eggs.

» Tip: Mineral perlite has proven itself here. Commercial potting soil is also sterile.

How to do with the planter?

The planter should be covered with foil or glass. This creates the greenhouse climate favorable for germination. thePlant pots should be in a light but not full sun location. Temperature fluctuations should be avoided as much as possible during germination. Temperatures around 20 degrees are ideal.

How long does germination take?

Patience is required in any case, it can take years until the plant roughly corresponds to the specimens offered in specialist shops. The actual germination can start after just a few days or weeks. Then a first leaf appears. After the first year, about three leaves will have appeared. After about five years you will have a stately and above all self-grown mountain palm in front of you.

Some tips for a successful sowing

  • Use sterile potting soil
  • Place the planter bright and warm
  • Keep the substrate evenly moist, but not too wet
  • do not fertilize in the first six months
  • Cover the planter with glass or cling film

The Pros and Cons of Propagating by Seeds

✔ Seeds can be obtained from existing plants.
✔ Numerous young plants can be grown.

✖ Obtaining seeds from existing plants is time-consuming and not always promising.
✖ If you don't have a plant, you have to use the seeds available for purchase.
✖ It takes several years to develop fully-fledged mountain palms.