Keep chessboard flower in a pot - you should pay attention to this

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Plant chessboard flowers in tubs, the plants on the balcony and terrace can serve as eye-catchers. Best of all, caring for the plants is also very easy.

The checkered flower (Fritillaria meleagris) is a loner, i.e. it does not feel like group planting with other early bloomers. You do justice to this by not putting the bulbs in the bed, but in planters or flower pots. The checkerboard flower can also make friends with this cultivation provided you keep a few things in mind. Here you can read how to plant and care for the pretty early bloomer as a pot plant.

What is the difference between tub and free range farming?

Checkerboard flowers are quite robust, well adapted to our climate and make few demands outdoors. Except for the great thirst, which you should satisfy regularly. If you are cultivating checkerboard flowers outdoors, you may also want to consider growing them in containers. You can expect many similarities in care and cultivation here, but also some differences, which we have compiled below.

❍ Checkerboard flowers need lots of moisture
❍ Checkerboard flowers are hardy
❍ Checkerboard flowers need organic slow-release fertilizer
❍ Chessboard flowers are easy to propagate
❍ Chessboard flowers need a light location
❍ Chessboard flowers bloom in April and May

❍ Potted plants are more susceptible to waterlogging
❍ Potted plants are more vulnerable and should receive winter protection
❍ Potted plants should during get additional liquid fertilizer during the growth phase

What should the planter be like?

The planter should be of sufficient size. If you want to plant several checkerboard flower bulbs, you should plant at least 20 centimeters apart. The plant pot should not only be the right size, but also have sufficient drainage holes in the bottom, because the irrigation water must not accumulate in the plant pot. After all, the danger of waterlogging is particularly high with potted plantsup.

How is a drainage created?

If drainage is installed, the permeability of the soil can be noticeably improved and there is less waterlogging, even if you have watered too intensively. All you have to do is put a layer of coarse gravel or clay granules on the bottom of the vessel. A permeable non-woven fabric should be used as a cover so that the drainage holes do not become clogged.

Which substrate to use?

Pot plant soil is suitable as a substrate. You can also plant potted plants for indoor culture in potting soil. By adding compost, you also enrich the soil with valuable nutrients.

Where and how to plant the bulbs?

The location requirements do not differ from chessboard flowers in free-range husbandry. You should not place the plant pot or flower box in the blazing sun. The plant tolerates partial shade better.

You should not plant the bulbs of the checkerboard flower deeper than about eight centimeters. As a rule, twice the planting depth, measured by the length of the flower bulb, is sufficient.

What needs to be considered during maintenance?


The checkered flower is also very thirsty in the bucket. So the challenge for the hobby gardener is increasing. After all, watering enough can be easily misunderstood. Potted plants can quickly become waterlogged. If you have not taken precautions by loosening the soil and installing drainage, there is a risk that liquid will accumulate in the planter and the bulbs will begin to rot. At first this goes unnoticed. Waterlogging is often only recognized when the plant begins to wither and a musty smell rises from the planter. But then it is usually too late for the plant.


The nutrient requirement of the checkered flower is quite high. The prerequisite for this is an appropriately prepared soil. In the field, the addition of compost is sufficient to provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients during the growing season. Due to the limited supply of substrate, the container plant does not have the opportunity to supply itself with sufficient nutrients over a long period of time. You should therefore help with regular doses of liquid fertilizer during the growth phase.


The checkerboard flower is known for being extremely robust and for defying even severe frosts. This applies to the container plant only to a limited extent. Compared to the open land, the small planter means aRestriction for the checkerboard flower. After all, a planter quickly freezes completely. Then the bulb can no longer supply itself with nutrients and the plant dies.

You can protect the planter from frost by covering it with leaves or brushwood. The soil must not dry out completely even during the winter. Therefore, you must not forget to water the plant on frost-free days.

The checkerboard flower in indoor culture

If you don't have a garden and maybe a balcony, you don't have to do without the cultivation of the checkered flower. Posture in the room is not preferred, but definitely possible. Plant the bulbs as already described for the potted plants. The potted plant should then get a bright, but not full sun location. Chessboard flowers also do not want to stand directly above the heating and do not tolerate draughts. The checkerboard flowers in indoor culture then bloom for only a few days between April and May.

Every two to three years you should place the checkerboard flowers in a new planter and replace the soil. You should also replace the drainage in the bottom of the pot during transplanting.

If the checkerboard flower has faded and the foliage has yellowed, you unfortunately no longer have an attractive houseplant in front of you. The plant pots then spend the winter in a cool and dark winter quarters.