The mountain knapweed is easy to care for and not very demanding. This makes it the ideal plant for garden novices who are just discovering their green fingers.

Summer becomes colorful when the mountain knapweed (Centaurea montana) comes up with its blue, violet, white or pink blossom fireworks. The plant, also known as the cornflower, is particularly impressive in group plantings. We have compiled some care instructions below. But first of all we would like to introduce you to a few more beautiful mountain knapweed species.
What species of mountain knapweed are common?
The blue flowering mountain knapweed can be found in most natural gardens. There is a direct relationship to the native cornflower. However, this is an annual, whereas the mountain knapweed, a perennial perennial, sprout again every spring.
❍ Mountain Knapweed Grandiflora:
This species flowers in the usual shade of blue, but has strikingly large flower heads.
❍ Mountain Knapweed Jordy:
This mountain knapweed sets pretty contrasts with its dark red flowers.
❍ Merel Mountain Knapweed:
This variety is particularly attractive, appears in a rich crimson red, reaches heights of growth of up to half a meter and impresses with fragrant flowers.
❍ Mountain Knapweed Rosea:
As the name suggests, it is the pink flowers that make this variety unmistakable.
How to properly care for the mountain knapweed
The mountain knapweed needs regular watering. It's all about a balance. The soil must not dry out, but on the other hand the plant does not tolerate waterlogging. Keep the substrate evenly moist in a sunny location. The soil can feel slightly damp. It is important that the irrigation water can drain off well and does not accumulate. When planting outdoors, the soil can be loosened up by adding coarse sand or pebbles. If the mountain knapweed is in the pot, a layer of potsherds on the bottom of the pot will helpto ensure better drainage of the irrigation water.
Mountain knapweed tolerates hard water. You don't necessarily have to water the plants with rainwater. The mountain knapweed also tolerates stagnant tap water well. It can also be used for the plants in the tub.
If you upgrade the soil when planting, the mountain knapweed does not necessarily need additional fertilizer. You should mix the soil with organic fertilizer, such as compost or horn shavings, in spring and autumn. If the soil is poor and there is no compost available, you can alternatively use a long-term fertilizer for flowering plants. Flowering plant fertilizer with a high phosphorus content promotes flowering.
Since the plant only grows to a height of around 20 to 50 centimetres, pruning is not absolutely necessary. However, there are some advantages to regularly using scissors for mountain knapweed. The cutting measures begin in the spring. Before the mountain knapweed sprout, you should cut it back to the ground. If you only carry out this measure in spring instead of in autumn, it will promote new growth and flowering. To get the plant to bloom again in the fall, cut back the flower stalks about a hand's breadth above the ground after the first bloom.
Of course you can also use scissors to bring the mountain knapweed into your home as an attractive cut flower. Pretty summer bouquets can be created together with lady's mantle or carnations. The cornflower is particularly festive and classic in combination with roses.
The mountain knapweed is very eager to sow itself. If you don't want the flowers to grow too much for you one day, you should remove faded flowers quickly to prevent them from self-seeding.
The best time to plant mountain knapweed is in spring and autumn. If you do not plant too late in autumn, the daisy family still has enough time to take root before the first frost. Mountain knapweeds are usually very hardy. From severe frosts, you can protect the plants with a layer of fallen leaves or brushwood. This way the moisture stays in the soil longer and there is less risk of the root ball drying out.
Potted plants can also overwinter outdoors. Assigning them a location in the house mightadversely affect flowering in the following year. But mountain knapweeds in the tub need a little more protection, because the roots are more vulnerable. Cover the soil well with mulch and wrap the plant in fleece or sackcloth, then even potted plants will survive the winter without any problems.