Newcomers to the garden are always well advised to use uncomplicated plants. For example with the mountain knapweed. It is undemanding and very easy to care for.

The mountain knapweed (Centaurea montana) is a perennial, herbaceous plant that belongs to the daisy family. The plants are very well adapted to our climate and have been a welcome guest in monastery and cottage gardens since the Middle Ages. Summer in the flower garden is accompanied by the pretty, filigree flowers, which are now available in various colorful varieties.
The robust plant is related to yarrow, chrysanthemum and aster and feels very comfortable in a corresponding group planting. The mountain knapweed is also popular with bees and insects. If the attractive and easy-care plant should soon attract admiration in your garden, you can find out here what you need to consider when planting mountain knapweed.
Select the right location
In order to find the right location, it is worth taking a look at the natural distribution area of the plant. Mountain knapweed has been native to Europe for centuries and is found in France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria. While the natural occurrence in northern Germany is rather rare, the mountain knapweed is more common in the southern area and grows in the Allgäu Alps up to an altitude of 2,000 meters.
Even inexperienced hobby gardeners will have no problems cultivating the mountain knapweed. The demands on the location are rather low. However, the daisy family requires a sunny location. The plants also thrive in partial shade, but if you want to experience the full bloom, then you should not compromise when choosing a location. In a dark location, the plant will most likely not die, but will hardly grow and will not flower.
Tip: The mountain knapweed looks very good in the cottage garden. But it can also be planted on slopes and used as bee pasture in the flower garden.
Since the mountain knapweed is for theoffers group planting, you must consider the effect in the bed when choosing a location. This is primarily based on the growth height. Small plants should remain in the foreground. Higher plants, on the other hand, are the eye-catchers in the rear bed area. Since mountain knapweed can grow between 40 and 60 centimeters high, they are more suitable for the middle to back areas of the bed.
The ideal location in keywords:
- light
- sunny
- warm
- in group plantings
Find the ideal substrate
The plant makes no special demands on the soil. However, a nutrient-rich substrate is necessary for lush growth and the corresponding formation of flowers. A fresh clay soil, for example, is well accepted. You can also add sand to the substrate. Incidentally, the soil can be a little wetter in a full sun location. If the plant is in partial shade, it prefers a rather dry substrate.
Waterlogging is generally not tolerated by the plants. Therefore, you should ensure good permeability of the soil. This can be achieved by adding coarse sand or gravel. If you put drainage in the soil when planting, you also ensure good soil permeability.
Keywords for the right substrate:
- loose
- fresh
- permeable
- nutrient rich
- humos
Planting mountain knapweed - step by step instructions
Mountain knapweed can be planted in spring and autumn. Do this as follows:
- Set location.
- Loosen and clean the soil.
- Now enrich the soil with hummus, compost or horn shavings.
- Dig planting holes twice the size of the root ball.
- Place plants.
- Fill substrate.
- Press the bottom well.
- Water the plant.
If several mountain knapweeds are to be planted in groups, between eight and ten plants can be planted per square meter. The planting distance should therefore be about 30 centimeters.
Cultivate mountain knapweed as a container plant
Mountain knapweeds are particularly expressive when planted in rustic clay pots. So you can get the charm of the cottage garden on the balcony or terrace. However, always note the following:
The planter should not be too small so that the plant can grow well. In addition, the irrigation water should be goodcan flow off. Otherwise waterlogging occurs, which in turn is not good for the plant. This can be prevented by placing some potsherds on the bottom of the pot, which will allow the water to drain off faster.
Potted plants have a high nutrient requirement. It is therefore essential to prepare the potting soil with compost or horn shavings. With regular doses of liquid fertilizer you also support the formation of flowers.
The mountain knapweed survives the winter in a tub outdoors unscathed if you wrap the plant pot with garden fleece and cover the soil with brushwood or leaves.