Cutting soapwort - instructions and tips for the right cut

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The soapwort needs little care to develop magnificently. Nevertheless, you have to use the scissors regularly so that the plant maintains its growth habit and develops plenty of flowers.

Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) knows how to delight the heart of the hobby gardener with its lush growth. Not only can he be sure that he has chosen the right location for his plant, he can also assume that soapwort, with its almost untamable growth potential, will soon take over the management of the bed.

Soapwort likes to spread, both underground and above ground. Cutting measures should therefore not be neglected. So that the plant can also be prevented from spreading its foothills underground, a root barrier should be installed when planting. So the soapwort will only take up the space that the hobby gardener intended for it. Root barriers are simply inserted into the soil at planting, cannot weather and prevent the roots from spreading further.

Another possibility is when transplanting. If the plant is removed from the ground, the roots can be trimmed before planting the soapwort again.

Cutting soapwort - but how?

Cut measures should be well thought out in terms of time and craftsmanship. The following cuts are made for soapwort:

  • Maintenance and thinning cut
  • Remount cut
  • Pruning after flowering

Maintenance and thinning pruning - carry out regularly

Regular pruning measures maintain the growth habit and ensure a rich bloom. You can also use scissors more often during the growth phase. In order for new leaves and flowers to appear, old and faded parts of the plant must be removed regularly.

Faded can be removed weekly. If the plant grows very strongly, long, misshapen shoots will quickly develop, which can prevent new plant parts from sprout.

» Tip: Soapwort tolerates pruning very well and can be thinned out more frequently during the summer monthsbecome.

Remount cut - flowers in a double pack

In regions with a favorable climate or after a particularly mild winter, the soapwort flowers quite early. It is a good idea to trick the plant with a replacement cut and encourage it to flower again in autumn.

After the first flowering, the soapwort is cut back to a height of about ten centimetres. On this occasion, old, stunted or diseased parts of the plant are removed. If the soil is fairly poor, it makes sense to add compost to provide an extra portion of nutrients.

If the climate stays mild until late summer, the soapwort will pick itself up and a second bloom will follow.

» Tip: The replacement cut is only recommended in mild areas. In rougher low mountain range regions, the plant first blooms in early summer, which then usually lasts until October. This cycle leaves no time for a second flowering.

Pruning after flowering - fit for winter

If the soapwort has delighted us with its bloom and the garden year is coming to an end, the time has come for a radical pruning. When cutting after flowering, the plant is cut back close to the ground. The hobby gardener does not have to dispose of the clippings, they can be spread around the plant as fertilizer and at the same time protect against frost in winter.

Pruning after flowering is an effective care measure and protects the plant from fungal attack.

» Tip: If you can't get enough of soapwort and want to encourage self-seeding, the plant can only be cut back in late winter. But then it is essential to choose a frost-free and mild day.

What should be considered when cutting the soapwort?

You shouldn't use scissors on sunny days. Even if there is frost, the plants are not cut. Dry, cloudy and frost-free days are best suited.

The cutting tools should be sharp and sterile. Straight cutting edges can only be achieved with a sharp knife or sharp scissors. Frayed and brittle cut edges provide an entry point for pests and fungi. Before and after use, the cutters must be rubbed down with alcohol and disinfected with it.

Soapwort is slightly poisonous. There is no serious danger to people or pets. Nevertheless, it is advisable to wear gloves when cutting.