Caring for soapwort - information on watering, fertilizing & Overwintering

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The soapwort is particularly suitable for beginners. It is not particularly demanding in terms of site or soil and requires relatively little care.

Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) is extremely adaptable, can get along with almost any location and therefore requires little maintenance. If you follow a few care instructions, the plant will delight you with its flowering well into autumn and will grow luxuriantly and persistently.

Soapwort often has to be stopped because it forms widely branched offshoots and roots that reach deep into the ground.

How to properly care for soapwort

Water the soapwort properly

Our climate is usually humid enough to provide the soapwort with liquid. It really only needs to be watered when there are longer periods of drought. The soil may appear dry on the surface, this will not harm the plant, as the roots reach deep into the soil and can take up water and nutrients from there.

Potted plants, on the other hand, have a limited supply of nutrients and should be watered regularly. The soil should not dry out here. It is also important to avoid waterlogging.

» Tip: Drainage of coarse sand or gravel in the bottom of the container ensures the permeability of the soil.

Fertilize the soapwort properly

Soapwort has few demands on the soil. The plant will also grow in poor soil, but will not bloom as lavishly then. Whether and how much additional nutrients the plant receives depends on the condition of the soil. Adding compost to the substrate when planting is generally recommended to promote growth and flowering and to have a positive effect on the development of young plants. If the soil is particularly poor, the fertilizer application can be repeated annually in spring and autumn.

Potted plants cannot provide themselves with sufficient nutrients because they only have a small planter at their disposal. The hobby gardener should therefore help out with liquid fertilizer from the second year onwards. During the growth phase, thePlant a gift monthly.

» Tip: Commercial potting soil is pre-fertilized and provides the soapwort with sufficient nutrients in the first year.

The fertilization of the soapwort should always be rather moderate. If the plants are over-fertilized, the plant's growth will be restricted and instead it will increasingly form offshoots.

Control growth - the root barrier

By installing a root barrier, the soapwort can be prevented from spreading uncontrollably and thus penetrating into areas of the garden that are reserved for other plants.

The root barrier comes into the ground during planting and is made of a weather-resistant material.

Avoid diseases and pests through proper care

If cared for in a way that is appropriate to the species, the soapwort turns out to be a robust and hardy plant that only very rarely gets sick.

Soapwort stays he althy if:

  • a sunny location is chosen
  • the floor doesn't seem too wet
  • is pruned regularly
  • No over-fertilization

» Tip: Soapwort contains certain ingredients, so-called saponins, which serve as the basis for biologically based pesticides.

Aphids or mealybugs rarely stop at a plant. However, when an infestation does occur, it is easily defeated with biological weapons rather than chemical means.

Even a shower with a hard jet of water can help get rid of the pests. If the infestation has already progressed accordingly, the hobby gardener can use solutions made from soapy water, garlic stock or field horsetail for watering and spraying. The pests are quite stubborn, so the plants should be treated several times in a row.

Overwinter soapwort properly

The soapwort usually survives the winter in the garden bed without additional protection. The plants are considered to be hardy and can withstand temperatures down to -30 degrees.

However, this must not be assumed from the soapwort in the bucket. The root ball is far less protected in the planter. There is even a risk that the plant pot will freeze completely, the plant can no longer absorb any nutrients and thus not survive the winter.

It is therefore important to protect the planter from frost. The planter should not be placed directly on the ground so that the cold does not have a surface to attack from belowstand. If the plant pot is placed on a wooden or styrofoam base, the soapwort is protected.

The soil of the planter is covered with leaves, brushwood or straw. In addition, the planter is protected with garden fleece or a jute sack. If the jar is placed in a sheltered place, for example on a house wall, the soapwort should be well prepared for the winter.

Since the soil must not dry out even in winter, the substrate should be checked on frost-free days and watered slightly if necessary. As soon as the nights remain frost-free, the winter protection should be removed from the soapwort so that the plant can sprout again and receive sufficient light.

» Tip: Container plants can also be overwintered indoors. This is done in a bright and frost-free place, for example in the garage, in the unheated conservatory or in the stairwell.