Gloxinias are among the classic indoor plants, but they also cut a very good figure in the bed. Provided you plant them properly.

The targeted breeding of gloxinia (Sinningia) has been pursued for over 150 years. With their extraordinary flowers, the plants provide nostalgic charm. Gloxinias can show a rich blaze of color and bloom white, pink, red or violet. Below you can read what you need to consider when planting the pretty flowering plant.
Find the right location
The plants love a light and airy spot. Direct sunlight should be avoided. Only then will the flowers last for a longer period of time. The gloxinia is generally a heat-loving plant, which can also handle high humidity very well. In the morning and evening hours, the gloxinia can get light sunlight. If the plant is exposed to the sun too intensively, this leads to burning of the leaves, i.e. sunburn.
❍ The gloxinia in the garden bed:
The garden gloxinia does well in rock gardens or in perennial borders. These are hybrids that prefer slightly different site conditions compared to houseplants. The plants also thrive in sun and partial shade. Garden gloxinias can also be kept in a bucket and are suitable for balconies and terraces. Asters, Gypsophila or Rittersport are popular neighbors in the perennial border.
❍ The gloxinia as a houseplant:
At the flower window you should protect the plant from the blazing sun and also make sure that it doesn't get any draughts. Temperatures between 18 and 24 degrees, i.e. usually room temperature, are ideal. In order to ensure high humidity, it makes sense to spray the plant more frequently. You should avoid this, however, as contact with water will cause ugly stains on the flowers and leaves. This is particularly the case with tap water, caused by the high lime content. A saucer that you fill with water creates ideal conditions. The plant itself should be placed on pebbles so that the roots are not in constant contacthit with water.
Select the right substrate
Indoor plants are placed in potting soil. This can be mixed with gravel or clay granules to make the soil more permeable. Since the gloxinia also thrives in slightly sandy soil, you can also use cactus soil.
The Garden Gloxinia prefers a light, well-drained soil. Clay soils should be made more permeable with the help of sand. Some representatives of the garden gloxinia also get along well with calcareous soils. If possible, you should determine the pH value (video instructions correctly test the pH value in the soil). Neutral to slightly acidic soils are considered the ideal substrate (pH 5 to 7).
Pre-cultivating gloxinias in the room
The gloxinia as a houseplant is already in full bloom when it is offered in stores. In the case of garden gloxinias, however, the tubers are often sold. You can put them outdoors in May or prefer them indoors. This gives the plant a growth spurt and you can plant the gloxinia later when the first buds have already formed. How to properly pre-cultivate the plant:
- Place tubers in plant pots and cover loosely with potting or garden soil.
- Now cultivate plants at temperatures around 20 degrees.
- Keep the soil only slightly moist at first.
- If shoots form, then water more intensively.
Always plant the root core at least five centimeters deep.
The Pros and Cons of Pre-Cultivation
Pre-cultivation allows a head start in growth.
The plants are vigorously developed and flower earlier.
When the gloxinia is planted in the ground, flower buds have already formed.
The pre-cultivation of the plants involves a certain amount of effort.
You have to find a warm spot in the room for the tubers.
You must also regularly check and water the plants.
Plant Gloxinia - step by step instructions
Gartengloxinias can be planted after the ice saints, i.e. mid-May, when night frosts are no longer to be expected. Do this as follows:
- Remove stones and weeds from the ground.
- Make heavy soil more permeable with sand or gravel.
- Coarse sand or gravel can act as drainage.
- Dig the planting hole.
- Plant about two inches deep.
- Planting holeclose.
- Water the plant well.
Depending on the quality of the soil, you should loosen it up and make it more permeable. Heavy soils are a danger for the plant, which does not tolerate waterlogging. With the help of gravel, clay or sand, you can create drainage that makes the soil more permeable.
If several gloxinias are to be planted, you should keep a planting distance of 20 to 30 centimeters. You can put a maximum of 13 plants per square meter.
Keep Gloxinia as a container plant
The gloxinia is also easy to cultivate as a container plant, but requires a little more care. This is generally applicable to potted plants, since the supply of nutrients in the planter is limited. Regular watering is just as necessary as supplying the plant with fertilizer every 14 days during the growth phase. In autumn the plants withdraw into their tubers and should overwinter in a dry and cool place.
How to transplant the Gloxinia correctly
If the plants are cultivated for several years, you should replace the plant pot in the spring. It is also important to change the substrate so that the plant can absorb nutrients again and flower formation can be carried out successfully. If you have overwintered the tubers in a cool place, you can put them back in fresh soil in the spring. With the growth phase, the fertilization is started again. A planter with a diameter of 15 centimeters is usually sufficient for a gloxinia.