Propagate Gloxinia - This is how it works by division, seed sowing and cuttings

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It is an exciting challenge not only to buy gloxinias from specialist shops, but also to grow them yourself. It's even easier than you think.

Propagating Gloxinia (Sinningia) is really child's play. In addition, you have several options at your disposal, because gloxinias can be propagated by division and also by cuttings and seeds. All three methods are promising. How exactly you have to proceed with each method, we would now like to explain to you in more detail.

Reproduction by division

Here we are dealing with a simple method, which can also be carried out by rather inexperienced hobby gardeners. Because before the winter, the plants withdraw into their tubers. Before you bring the plant to the winter quarters, you can divide the garden gloxinia. With the gloxinia cultivated as a houseplant, the upcoming spring repotting is a good opportunity to divide the tuber.

Instructions for Propagation by Division

You need:

  • sharp knife
  • Substrate
  • Plant pots

You should do this:

  1. Remove the bulb from the ground or from the plant pot.
  2. Wipe off excess soil.
  3. Now divide the tubers with the knife.
  4. Then let the sections dry.
  5. Once the interfaces have dried well, have a sandy substrate ready.
  6. Now place the individual segments in separate planters.
  7. The rooting should then take place at temperatures above 20 degrees.

When dividing, use sharp and sterile knives so that the cut edges are straight and the plant is not injured unnecessarily. Also leave the smallest possible interfaces, because open wounds make the plants vulnerable to diseases and pests. Before you plant the divided tuber again, the interface should be well dried. This is best accomplished in a breezy outdoor spot. In order to minimize the risk of fungi and pests penetrating, it is also advisable to apply carbon powder to the interfacesto apply.

Propagation by cuttings

This method is also quite simple, even if it requires a lot of patience until the cuttings develop strong and, above all, flowering plants. If you use late summer to take cuttings, with a bit of luck you will be able to grow flowering plants by next spring. But don't rely on a cutting. Not every increase succeeds. Play it safe with multiple cuttings.

Instructions for propagation by cuttings:

You need:

  • Cuttings
  • sharp, sterile knife
  • Cultivation soil
  • Plant pots
  • Rooting Powder
  • Plastic Hood

You should do this:

  1. Cut strong leaves from plants.
  2. Then put the cuttings in potting soil.
  3. Now use rooting powder.
  4. Then place the plant pot warm and bright and cover it with a plastic hood.
  5. Then water the cuttings regularly.

If the temperature is around 25 degrees, the first new shoots will appear after six months at the latest. This is a sure sign of successful propagation. You can then place the young plants in larger planters or outdoors and cultivate them like adult plants.

Propagation by seeds

If you already have gloxinias in your possession, it makes sense to try propagating them by seed. On the other hand, it is not always easy for those who want to purchase the seeds from specialist retailers. Gloxinia are usually sold as tubers and not as seeds. However, the seed is very fine and sowing requires a great deal of finesse.

How to get the seed?

If you always remove dead flowers immediately, you will not be able to get seeds from existing plants. The seeds have to mature first. You should therefore leave faded flowers on the plant. The seeds can then be harvested around September. Then they have to be dried. You can then sow them at the beginning of October. You can also sow the seeds from late winter.

Instructions for Propagation by Seeds

You need:

  • Seeds
  • Cultivation soil
  • Planter
  • Foil or glass pane
  • Plant pots

You should do this:

  1. Scatter the seeds on commercially available potting soil or cactus soil.
  2. Press the seeds lightly.Do not cover with soil!
  3. Now cover the plant pots with foil or a glass cover.
  4. Place the plant pots in a bright and warm location (approx. 25 degrees).
  5. Air the planting trays daily to prevent the seeds from getting moldy.
  6. Also regularly moisten the seeds with a flower sprayer.

Once a few leaves have developed, you can place the young plants in their own planters. Further cultivation takes place at temperatures around 15 degrees. However, it takes about three years before the first flowers appear on the home-grown plant.

Overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the individual methods

❍ Division:

+ Advantages:
Propagation by division is quick and uncomplicated. In addition, the division can be carried out as part of the transplanting. After division, the individual segments are transplanted and grow into independent plants within a short period of time.

- Disadvantages:
Prerequisite for the possible division of the tuber is a sufficiently developed plant. If you do not work with a sharp and sterile cutting tool, germs can penetrate the tuber.

❍ Cuttings:

+ Advantages:
Cuttings can be easily obtained from existing plants. With little effort, several young plants can be grown. Reading tip: Plant Gloxinia - How to grow it in the house and garden.

- Disadvantages:
It can take up to half a year until the cutting is well rooted and begins to sprout again. Consistently high temperatures of around 25 degrees are also required for rooting.

❍ Seeds:

+ Benefits:
You can get the seed from existing plants. From this, numerous new plants emerge.

- Disadvantages:
Gloxinia seed is relatively difficult to obtain commercially. In addition, the seed is very fine and should be handled with care. Temperatures should not fall below 25 degrees during germination. It takes several years for the seed to grow into a flowering plant.