Sweet corn is really tasty. And you don't even have to buy it. You can also grow sweet corn yourself. Read how to do it here.
Sweet corn, also known as sweet corn, is one of the most popular vegetables even among children and can easily be grown in your own garden. Cultivation in the garden bed is just as possible as in tubs on terraces and balconies. You should try it out and then simply put it on the grill or cook it. It tastes wonderful and is even a real treat for children.
By the way:
German farmers plant very little sweet corn in their fields, which is why most of the corn on the cob in the supermarket comes from foreign crops.
Cultivation of sweet corn
All types of corn love a sunny location that is as sheltered from the wind as possible and has nutrient-rich soil. Enrich the soil with plenty of compost in autumn (work it in loosely) and you will have a positive influence on the maize harvest right from the start. However, do not choose a location with permanent waterlogging or on a hillside.
In principle, you can spread the corn kernels outdoors from May, because by then the soil has usually warmed up a bit. Wet and cold soil would cause the corn seed to rot quickly. Press the individual grains about 5 centimeters deep into the soil with the tip pointing downwards.
Protrusion also gives the corn plants on the window sill an advance. This is already possible from March/April. You can then transplant the seedlings into the open ground with a planting distance of about 40 centimeters after the ice saints or plant them in larger tubs and also place them outdoors.
» Tip:
No matter which type of cultivation you choose: for good growth, pre-soaking the seeds in lukewarm water for about 10 hours is helpful.
Care for sweet corn properly
You now have to water the sweet corn regularly, but only sparingly - several times a day during longer dry periods or on hot days. You should also support it during its growth with fertilization, for which nettle manure or horn shavings are also suitable.
» Tip:
Place a layer of mulch between the maize plants, e.g. made of straw or grass clippings, this optimally stores the moisture in the soil.
Harvest and Use
Usually from the end of July - usually about 3 weeks after flowering - the corn cobs can be harvested. You can tell that the sweet corn is optimally ripe by the whiskers on the cob. As soon as these begin to turn brown and slowly dry out, the corn is ready to harvest.
It is important that you process the corn cobs immediately after harvesting. To do this, peel the cobs, then boil them in hot water for about 20 minutes, remove them again, season with s alt and possibly pour hot butter over them.
» Tip:
Corn cobs that are not used immediately should be stored in a cool place immediately after harvesting in order to retain their freshness for at least a few hours. Alternatively, you can preserve the vegetables by cooking them and then freezing them.
Seed production
If you would like to grow sweet corn in the garden again next year, you should let the cobs mature longer until the husks are completely brown. Then cut off the cobs and hang them up in a dry, warm room. After a few weeks, you can rub off the individual corn kernels and continue drying until they turn a dark yellow color.