Forgotten for a long time, it is making a comeback today: the quince tree. However, if you buy one, you also have to cut it. Our instructions show how it's done.

Quince trees were not very common in German gardens for a long time. In recent years, however, the quince tree has experienced a comeback, not least because it is quite undemanding and easy to care for. In addition, its fruits can be used in many different ways. For example, delicious jellies, juice or mush can be made from quinces (reading tip: preserving fruit - 4 options presented).
If you now own such a wonderful fruit tree or plant the quince tree in your garden, then of course you have to prune it. This is important in order to curb uncontrolled growth and, of course, also to prevent or combat an infestation with what is known as leaf tanning. This is a very stubborn fungal disease that can severely damage the quince tree.
But when exactly does the quince tree have to be cut and what should the cut look like? We will explain all of this to you in more detail below.
Best time to edit
The best time to cut back the quince tree is in spring, before the flowers begin to bloom. However, you should definitely wait until no more severe frost is to be expected, otherwise parts of the tree could freeze to death. In addition, if it is too cold, the wood of the tree will splinter very easily. Spring is therefore also the perfect time for pruning, because the quince tree is not yet full of sap.
However, if you discover small, red spots on the leaves of your quince tree, or if the leaves are already turning brown and dying, then you must carry out a pruning immediately. Then your quince tree is attacked by the so-called leaf blight.
Instructions for the quince tree pruning
➤ Step 1:
Before you start, you should know that only sharp tools should be used for the cut. This is very important because it is the only way to avoid bruises and cracks in the woodprevent and thus prevent infections. After all, damaged areas on the wood are always the ideal breeding ground for germs and fungi.
In addition, the tool should always be clean to prevent the transmission of diseases to other trees. Saws and shears that you want to use to cut the quince tree should therefore always be disinfected before use.
➤ Step 2:
Now you have to decide whether you want to thin out your quince tree or shape it. Both are explained here in more detail.
➥ Thin out treetop:
Compared to other fruit trees, you don't have to prune the quince tree very much. It is actually sufficient if you thin it out from time to time. Every two to three years is sufficient. On the other hand, if the treetop is very densely overgrown, you should thin out your quince tree more often. This is important so that the leaves can dry off better and the leaves don't stand a chance of turning brown.
➥ Shape the treetop into a wide shape:
If you want to shape the crown of the tree, you must ensure that the crown remains as airy and loose as possible. In the first few years, you should try to make the treetops a little wider, because then a lot of sun will reach the surface. So always cut out the right branches and slowly shape the tree. You'll also need to periodically remove any twigs and branches that grow downward and inward.
In the first few years you can also broaden the leading branches by hanging weights on them. Three to four of these leading branches should be in a line that is as horizontal as possible so that the tree can grow nicely in width.
➤ Step 3:
If you are finished with the quince tree cut, then you should definitely treat larger cut surfaces with a miracle sealant. In this way you prevent the interfaces from drying out, dying and perhaps even being attacked by fungi. (Reading tip: Treat interfaces on trees correctly)
Simply pick up some of the wound sealant with a brush and use it to completely seal the cut surfaces. It is best if you even apply some of the miracle sealant two centimeters beyond the edge of the wound. Incidentally, this is always an important step when you are pruning trees.