They are not only an ornament on every house wall or in a trellis, they also produce delicious fruit: grapevines. However, they only thrive if you fertilize them properly.

Grapes need a lot of care to keep them he althy (i.e. no diseases develop on the vines) and produce a rich harvest. In addition to regular pruning, maintenance measures also include fertilizing. The nutrient requirement of the vines is very high. This is because they are cut back heavily every year. For this reason, regular fertilizer application is essential.
You should fertilize with an organic and a mineral fertilizer. If you only gave an organic one, you could be deficient in certain nutrients.
In addition to potassium and nitrogen, vines also need boron, iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, phosphate and zinc. In order to be able to choose the right fertilizer, you should have the soil analyzed every four to six years.
When and how are vines fertilized?
➤ First fertilization in spring:
The main growth of the vines begins in April. Then the vines need a complete fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen. In addition, you should treat the plants to organic fertilizer, for example in the form of compost or stable manure. The compost enriches the soil with nutrients, which the vines can then feed on until autumn. In addition, the structure of the soil is improved by adding compost and factors such as moisture, oxygen content and heat are positively influenced.
➤ Second fertilization in autumn:
In September it's time for the second fertilization of the vines. At this point, the plants need potash above all, because the potassium helps the wood to mature and prevents frost damage. If you live in an area with mostly dry weather, you should apply a layer of mulch to better retain moisture in the soil. It also improves the soil structure and protects the important organisms in the soil. In addition, the mulch layer also suppresses the growth of weeds.
You can use either bark mulch, straw or lawn clippings as mulchuse. If it rains enough, you can alternatively sow a clover-grass mixture. (Reading tip: Planting grapevines - explained step by step)