Fighting pests - 5 natural ways to combat them


Pests in the garden, that's a really annoying thing. You can find out here how you can fight the pests without using chemicals.

Pesticides also kill beneficial insects
All too often we buy pesticides and spray them around the garden. Although these agents, which are usually provided with chemical components, fight the pests, they often also fight beneficial insects and they are not always good for nature. That's why we're making our own pesticide today. Here are our 5 natural ways to combat them.

Fighting pests - 5 natural ways to combat them

  1. Boil a garlic and onion tea and dilute it with four parts water. This will prevent all kinds of fungal diseases.
  2. If you want to destroy sucking insects or take action against the so-called late blight, then a rhubarb broth has proven its worth. This is given undiluted.
  3. You can get aphids under control with a nettle decoction that is left undiluted.
  4. Prepare a broth of tomato sprouts if you want to ward off cabbage whites. The brew is given undiluted. Also strengthens the tomato plants themselves.
  5. A tea made from tansy diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 helps against mite infestation.

As you can see, it doesn't always have to be the chemical bludgeon. Just try these tools out. If these don't work, you can always use chemicals to combat them.