Delicious vegetables from our own garden, they taste particularly good. Of course only if it is he althy. Here are the five most common vegetable diseases and how to prevent them.
Vegetables from your own garden taste particularly good
Vegetables are not only he althy, they also taste really good. But it still tastes best when it doesn't come from a can or a bag, but from your own garden. So if you own a vegetable garden, consider yourself lucky. Today we would like to introduce you to five diseases and tips on how to prevent these diseases.
5 Vegetable Diseases and Prevention Tips
- Blight and brown blight: This disease can occur on tomatoes and potatoes. The fungal disease affects the fruit of tomatoes and first the leaves and then the fruit of potatoes. In both cases, you should choose robust varieties and protect tomatoes from rain. For potatoes, you should remove diseased leaves immediately.
- Powdery mildew: Can occur on all types of vegetables, but especially on leafy vegetables such as lettuce, savoy cabbage or cabbage. When seeding, use mildew-resistant varieties and do not overseed the plants.
- Grey mold: This fungus mainly attacks already weakened plants and spreads from the leaves to the fruit. Avoid calcium deficiency and do not give too much nitrogen fertilizer. The location should be light and airy.
- Downy mildew: Here the leaves get yellow spots and a fungal layer forms on the underside. A sunny and airy location is a must, you should never water the vegetables over the leaves.
- Cabbage Hernia: Cabbage, radishes and radishes are attacked by this. The plants wither when infested. Pay attention to the pH of the soil (a pH of 7 is ideal). You must remove and dispose of infested plants.