Do you like to eat figs? Then we have just the right thing for you today. How about planting fig trees in your garden?
Fig trees are becoming more and more popular with us
They are exotic and produce delicious fruit, have a long history and are also becoming increasingly popular with us: the fig trees. They usually thrive best when grown in pots. However, it is also possible to plant fig trees directly in the garden. But then you should pay attention to a few points.
Planting Fig Trees
Fig trees need protection from cold winds. It makes the most sense to attach them to the wall of the house, if possible not directly on the weather side. They thrive best when pulled up on a trellis. A cut is only necessary in early summer on the new shoot tips. You should not prune your fig trees in autumn or spring, otherwise you will remove shoots that bear the first fruit in summer.
Overwintering fig trees
To get through the winter well, you need to pile up the soil or lay down a thick layer of mulch made of leaves or straw. If the winter should be very harsh, you should also cover the fig tree with fleece or a burlap sack.