Even if the name physalis sounds like a disease, it is actually a fruit. A fruit that you know for sure, maybe also under the name Andean berry.
Yummy orange fruits
The fruit shop around the corner will definitely have the small orange fruits. And you can also bring the plant into your own garden. The berry, which is protected by a paper-thin lantern, not only tastes very good, it also gives off a wonderful scent. Incidentally, you can eat the berries immediately after removing the paper wrapper. If you also want to get physalis plants in the garden, then you should note that they are not hardy.
Overwintering physalis
For this reason, and also so that the fruits continue to ripen in autumn, you should bring the physalis indoors. Dig them up and plant them in a large pot, preferably in a cool spot. The branches should be pruned vigorously and the soil must always be moist. From the end of May you can plant the Andean berry outdoors again or put it outside in a pot. You will see that the fruit will ripen much earlier than was the case last year. This will outwit the frost and let you enjoy a variety of fruits.