Diseases and pests of deciduous trees


A garden could be so beautiful if there weren't so many diseases. Hardly any plant is resistant to diseases and pests. Deciduous trees can also be attacked.

Spider moths, leaf spots and co.
Web moths, leaf spots, etc. - these are the names of the diseases and pests that can cause problems for deciduous trees. We have put together a list of the most common diseases and pests on deciduous trees for you here. Of course, there are also some methods of combating every pest or disease, which we would like to introduce to you here.

Diseases and Pests of Deciduous Trees

  1. Web moths: A web covers deciduous trees in spring. There are yellowish-white caterpillars that eat the plant bare. You have to remove the webs over a large area and shake off and collect the remaining caterpillars. To do this, you should put a cloth under the tree.
  2. Leaf spot: This fungal disease manifests as brown to black spots, often with a red border, which damage the plant. You have to cut off affected parts of the plant. But not in damp weather, otherwise the risk of infection is greater.
  3. Snowball Bugs: These bugs cause pitting in the leaves of the snowball. The beetles are yellowish to light brown. The only possibility: Examine the plant for beetles and collect them from May.
  4. Scale insects: These pests suck the plant's stems, veins and leaves. Honeydew can form. You always have to cut off heavily affected plant parts, otherwise you can also collect the pests.