If you have a vegetable garden, you have to water all the vegetables regularly. That sounds very easy. When watering, however, you have to pay attention to a few things.
Roots of different lengths
If you grow vegetables in your garden, you will surely have noticed that there are types of vegetables that need more water than others. This is due to how the particular vegetable roots in the soil. There are three groups to be distinguished here: the shallow-rooters, the medium-deep-rooters and the deep-rooters.
Watering vegetables with rainwater
Depending on how deeply the vegetables are anchored in the ground, they sometimes need more or less water. It is logical that vegetables that reach deeper also have to be watered more vigorously so that the water can penetrate down to the bottom, but this does not mean that shallow-rooted plants have to be watered less, because the upper layers of soil can dry out quickly. If possible, water vegetables with rainwater, as this contains more minerals.
Shallow roots, medium deep roots and deep roots
Shallow roots root to a depth of 15 to 20 centimetres. These include, for example, lettuce, onions, spinach, parsley, radishes and leeks. The medium-deep roots reach up to 40 centimeters in depth. These include peppers, cucumbers, carrots, white and red cabbage and also peas. And the roots of the deep-rooted plants, which include asparagus, tomatoes, melons and pumpkins, can reach up to 70 centimeters deep.