Apple trees are something very special. If you don't have enough space in your garden for an apple tree, you should get columnar apple trees.
Trees grow into a pillar
That an apple tree, or even better two apple trees, are not only ornaments in the garden, but also ensure rich harvests, that It goes without saying. The problem that many gardeners have: There is not enough space in the garden to plant apple trees. But of course there is a solution and it is called: Pillar apples. These are apple tree varieties that have been bred to grow into a column. Although they can grow up to three meters high, they only have a maximum diameter of 60 centimeters - and everyone has that much space in their garden.
Fruits growing on the trunk
These apple trees also look great. The special feature: The fruits do not grow on the branches here, but directly on the trunk. This means that no branches can break off due to the weight. However, there are always branches that become independent and shoot out. These should be topped in June or July. This also has the advantage that more nutrients flow to the fruit and the formation of new fruit wood is promoted. So if you don't have a lot of space in the garden, you should definitely consider planting trees like this. You just have to choose one flavor.
Pillar Apple Trees - 3 Varieties
- Black McIntosh: These are medium to large apples that are dark red. The apples also taste sweet and are very juicy. This variety is undemanding. Just the right thing for beginners.
- Red River: The apples are very large and have a beautiful red-yellow colour. They have a spicy taste and are slightly acidic. This is a columnar apple tree variety that hardly forms any side branches.
- Golden Gate: These are delicious, sweet-tasting apples that are medium-sized and bright yellow-red. The flesh of these apples is juicy and firm.