Fire blight is a disease that mainly affects fruit trees and is caused by bacteria. Fire blight must be reported immediately.
Fire blight symptoms
When fire blight occurs, the flowers and leaves wilt first, turn brown to black and fall off. They look like they've been burned. This is already evident in spring. The stems of the flowers and leaves are also black. You can easily recognize fire blight by these symptoms. In summer and autumn you can then discover yellow droplets sticking to the fruit and shoots on the tree. Finally, in winter, you can find cancerous spots on the trunk and branches. And since this disease is spreading rapidly, it is one of the notifiable diseases that must be reported to the Plant Protection Office.
Report fire blight
The bacteria are usually transmitted during flowering by insects, birds or bark injuries. But we humans can also spread these bacteria by using cutting tools to which these bacteria stick. Fire blight cannot be fought with conventional pesticides and is constantly spreading. Since fire blight has increased in the last ten years, a fire blight ordinance has been issued. According to this, everyone is obliged to report the infestation of fire blight or even just the suspicion.
Fire blight on fruit trees
Above all, apple trees, pear trees and quinces are affected. But ornamental trees such as hawthorn and hawthorn are not immune to fire blight, as are the quince, firethorn and mountain ash. A professional must be called in to diagnose the disease.