A garden attracts many animals - especially rabbits. On the one hand this is very nice, on the other hand you have to protect your trees from rabbits.
Protect trees from being eaten by rabbits
In summer, the bunny rabbits like to munch on lettuce, carrots and kohlrabi. You like it. To protect the vegetables, you should therefore always grow them in a greenhouse. A slightly higher and above all close-meshed fence can also help.
Rabbits also gnaw on trees
In winter, when there are no vegetables to eat, rabbits sometimes fall back on trees and nibble off the bark. This is of course more than harmful to the tree. But you can also protect your trees from it. You should also use a close-meshed fence for this, which you place tightly around the trunk and - very importantly - bury it at least 25 centimeters deep, otherwise the animals can get to the roots from below. It should be about 50 centimeters at the top. So the tree is protected all around.