Even in winter you have to pay attention to plant protection. In November you should therefore check all your plants again for pests.

Plant protection in November
Even when pests are not active, you can contain them or ensure that they do not spread in spring. Here are 5 important tips:
- When winterizing the garden, watch out for and remove slug clutches when tilling the soil.
- Voles are active all year round. In winter, fighting mice is more effective. Special mouse baits are available from specialist retailers.
- Glue rings on trees should always be free of leaves so that no winter moths can climb over the traps and get into the tree crown.
- To prevent apple scab, always discard fall leaves. Apple scab prefers to overwinter in the foliage.
- If you discover red dots on trees and shrubs in winter, you should remove the branches that have such dots. It is the red pustule fungus. If not removed, this can spread further and affect the rest of the tree or bush.
Don't forget to regularly check for pests on potted plants that are overwintering in the house, basement or conservatory.