Correctly interpreting plant diseases - 8 important characteristics


Leaves speak their own language, especially when they are sick. With the help of our characteristics you can correctly interpret plant diseases.

Here are 8 features that will help you with the interpretation:

  1. If the leaves of trees turn yellow-green and brown spots form at the same time, a lack of magnesium is to blame. Fertilizing helps.
  2. If the leaves are browning from the edge inwards, it is probably due to a lack of potassium.
  3. If the leaves lighten and become pale, then either the irrigation water is too hard or the plant is suffering from an iron deficiency.
  4. If the edges of the leaves have turned brown, there can be various reasons for this. Too much water, too little water, too dry air, depleted soil or over-fertilization.
  5. If only the tip of the leaf turns brown, the reason is that the soil or air is too dry.
  6. If the leaves are turning yellow, the location is too cool or too dark, it has been watered too much or the plant is suffering from a lack of nitrogen.
  7. If you observe growths that look like cork stains, then an extreme change in temperature is usually to blame. Too little light or too much water can also be the cause.
  8. Curled leaves are an indication of damage to the roots, too dry root balls or too dry air.