Fruit trees are ideal for medium to large gardens. Apples, pears or cherries are the varieties that are most commonly found. But the plum is also welcome. To ensure that plum trees do not grow too large and always bear a lot of fruit, they should be pruned properly.

This is how you do it right:
Care begins with the purchase. The middle shoot should be straight and have no more than five side shoots that are evenly distributed. What happens more often, however, is that many people like to reach for the plum tree because they don't know the difference. So here's a little explanation again: Plums are roundish-oval and usually ripe earlier than plums. These, on the other hand, have an elongated-oval shape and firmer flesh than plums. They are therefore better suited for cooking. In addition, it is easier to remove the stone from plums.
Pruning plum trees
After planting in the first year, you don't have to cut anything on the plum tree. But then it starts in the second year. Then you need to remove all side shoots that grow lower than half a meter from the ground. You also have to cut branches that grow too steeply or are too close to others. Finally, cut off the middle shoot to about 40 cm above the highest side shoot. You can also hang small weights on branches that are too steep to increase the angle. In the years that follow, you only need to trim the branches. Your tree will also bear great and lush fruits.