Pruning shrubs is not always as easy as it is with perennials. You can't just put the scissors on and start cutting here.
Especially shrubs with a stable skeletal shoot need a different treatment. You can recognize such a shrub by the fact that it grows vigorously out of the ground and forms compact shoots, on which flowering shoots grow every year. These shrubs include, above all, the viburnum, the false quince, the hazelnut and the barberry. Here you should be particularly careful when cutting.
Do not cut scaffolding shoots at all
What you can and should definitely cut are the young shoots after flowering. If the shrub should get too big, you can also cut the older shoots, i.e. the framework, but not more than a fifth. It is best if you do not cut the scaffold shoots at all. If you also leave the young shoots on the bush, you run the risk of the plant forming buds on the older shoots, which costs the bush too much strength.