Especially with fruit trees one might think that they survive longer periods of drought more easily than other plants. But with certain types of fruit, this is not the case at all. You should always water your apple trees sufficiently. This is not only important superficially, but up to a depth of 20 centimeters.
At least once a week
This should always be checked, especially in summer. Even plum trees, which are considered particularly undemanding, should be watered extensively at least once a week. If you don't do this, you will quickly notice the quality of the fruit.
But other fruits also need a lot of water. This includes raspberries and strawberries. With raspberries, the soil should always be kept moist from flowering to fruit ripening.
Mulch to help
After that you don't have to water very much. Strawberries can even cause permanent damage if not watered regularly. By the way: To limit watering a little and also to suppress water evaporation, a layer of mulch is not the worst thing.