Roundworms in the garden - marigolds help


The so-called threadworms in the garden or also called nematodes always appear when the planting in vegetable beds is overstimulated. If you notice that rot is appearing more often or the vegetables or the roots are dying, then this can be due to the nematodes that penetrate the roots and damage the plants.

Tagtes can help
Planting Marigolds (Tagtes) can help here. This plant attracts the worms with its roots and then releases a toxin that kills the worms as soon as the nematodes attack the roots. In this way, the floor becomes "clean" again over a large area.

You can sow the marigolds in addition to the vegetables or treat the soil to a one-year cure. The marigold should remain in the ground for at least 100 days so that the full effect can set in.

Change where the vegetables are grown
In addition to marigolds, mixtures with marigold, cork card flower and coneflower are also suitable. If you want to be on the safe side, you can change the growing location of the vegetables from time to time.