Why mulch in the garden?


Depending on the type of vegetable planted, it may take some time before the plant cover is closed again and the soil needs to be protected from rainfall, which considerably destroys its structure. However, a destroyed surface structure means that it dries out, so mulching in the garden is important.

The mulch layer can offer effective help here to bridge the phase of structurally destroyed soil. The mulch layer ensures that the crumbly structure of the soil is preserved and that the vitality of the soil is preserved.

Lawn clippings for mulching
Lawn clippings are well suited for mulching. If the cut is slightly wilted, it should be applied in a layer that is not too thick, in order to then offer protection to the floor. When mulching, however, it is important to keep enough distance around the plant, because the irrigation water should eventually reach the roots and a dense layer of mulch right up to the plant can prevent this.

Mulch layer should be 5 centimeters
Other good materials for mulching are shredded material, rhubarb leaves or chopped straw. The mulch layer - no matter what material - can significantly reduce the water loss that the soil experiences through evaporation. This is not only very practical in the vegetable garden. To protect against evaporation, the mulch should be applied to the soil at least two inches thick.