Plant, cultivate and propagate oregano

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Oregano has made a name for itself as a spice and is also used in natural medicine. With us you will learn how to cultivate it in the garden.

Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a Mediterranean herb native to Europe. In its Greek translation, the mint is called "mountain delight". The popular pizza spice proves to be an undemanding and easy-care addition to any herb garden and can also be grown in pots.

Small description of plants

Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
Growth:pillow-like, clumpy
Growth:30 -500 cm
Flowering:July to September
Usage:Herb Garden, Open Spaces, Stone Plants, Aromatic Plant, Medicinal Plant
Floor:dry, well-drained, normal garden soil

Oregano is a perennial herb that grows about half a meter tall. The rootstock usually lignifies. The upright, square stems sprout again after the winter. Small oil reservoirs can be seen on the underside of the leaves. The essential oil exudes a tart, spicy scent and protects the plant from perspiration. The reddish flowers, which appear in umbels or panicles, appear between July and September.

Occurrence and use

Oregano originally comes from the Mediterranean region. Today, the plant can be found in warm to temperate climates around the world. Natural occurrences can be found in warm locations in sparse forests or on roadsides and slopes.

Oregano has been used as a condiment for about 400 years. The oldest evidence of this is a recipe for pancakes from a Basel cookbook, which dates back to the 17th century. In German cuisine, oregano is used sparingly. In Mediterranean cuisine, oregano is indispensable for refining sauces, vegetables and meat dishes.

The importance as a medicinal plant dates back to the first century. Hippocrates of Kos then described its use to speed up childbirth and treatmentfrom hemorrhoids. In modern natural medicine, oregano is recommended as an ingredient in a tea blend to treat stomach cramps.

Oregano or marjoram?

Oregano and marjoram are botanically closely related. This is also suggested by the Latin name of marjoram, Origanum majorana. Both plants belong to the genus Dost and are very often confused with one another.

But there are some differences that will quickly clarify the hobby gardener. While oregano is hardy and sprout again every year, marjoram has to be sown or planted again every year.

At first glance, both plants are very similar. A closer look reveals that oregano has slightly larger leaves that are slightly hairy. There are also differences when used on the stove. While oregano is mainly used for pizza and vegetables in Mediterranean cuisine, marjoram is a popular ingredient for hearty dishes and sausages, which is where the term "sausage herb" comes from.

Plant Oregano

Suitable location

The Mediterranean plant loves it sunny and warm. A full sun location is not a problem. This is how oregano feels at home at the highest point of the herbal spiral. The undemanding plant also thrives in semi-shade. It is important to consider the bush-like growth of oregano when planting and to provide sufficient space.

Tip: If you don't have a garden and would like to create a herb garden on the sunny windowsill, you can also cultivate oregano in pots.

Ideal substrate

Oregano does very well outdoors with conventional potting soil. A light and well drained substrate should be preferred. A soil that is too heavy and contains clay can be upgraded accordingly by adding sand or gravel. This ensures that the irrigation water drains off and there is no waterlogging. Moist soil is an enemy of the plant, which is adapted to heat and drought.

If you want to cultivate oregano in pots or tubs, you need less lean soil. Special vegetable soil is very suitable. This substrate promotes growth and also the development of the typical herbal aromas.

Planting oregano - step by step

1. Select location
2. Prepare the soil
3. Dig the planting hole
4. Insert the plant
5. Close the planting hole
6. Press down the soil well7. Water the plant

After choosing the location, the soil is loosened up well and roots,Removed weeds and stones. If the oregano is to find its place in the herb bed or the herb spiral, there is no need to prepare the location.

The pre-cultivated young plants are strong enough to be placed outdoors in spring. Thyme, basil or sage are ideal plant neighbors.

Alternatively, early winter plants can be used on the windowsill. Direct sowing is also possible from April.

An overview of the most important planting tips

Find location• full sun to half shade
• bright
• warm
Prepare substrate• loose
• well drained
• lean
• dry
planting• Plan enough space
• Dig a planting hole twice the size of the root ball
• Water the plant well after planting

Caring for Oregano

Water the oregano correctly

Young plants need sufficient moisture. Casting should therefore not be neglected. When the oregano is fully grown, it needs less water. However, prevent the root ball from drying out completely.

Since waterlogging should be avoided at all costs, it is important to pour carefully. The substrate should dry in its upper layers between the individual waterings.

Tip: On hot summer days, the plant can be generously covered with mud.

If the plant is cultivated in a pot or tub, it should be watered more frequently. On hot days, the planter dries out quickly and you should check daily whether the plant needs water.

Fertilize oregano correctly

Lean soil is a prerequisite for oregano to develop its typical aroma and release its essential oils. If you mix some compost under the substrate when planting or every spring, you can already provide the plant with sufficient nutrients.

In particularly poor soils, organic fertilizer can be applied at monthly intervals during the growth phase.

Cut oregano properly

Mature plants become woody easily. Therefore, an annual pruning should be done in spring. If the small bushes are shortened about a hand's breadth above the ground, the plant will sprout profusely and develop a dense growth habit.

Oregano likes to spread. This can be at the expense of the other plants in the herb bed. So that the plant neighbors do not inIf their growth is restricted, regular pruning should be carried out. These cuts can be made at any time.

Tip: If the plant is to be cut and reused, the flowering time is the ideal time.

Overwintering oregano correctly

Oregano is hardy and usually does not need additional protection. In harsh locations, a layer of leaves or twigs can protect against severe frost and frost.

An overview of the most important care tips

Casting• water moderately
• avoid waterlogging
• water potted plants more often
Fertilize• no regular fertilization needed
• add compost in spring
Cut• regular pruning in spring
• pruning possible all year round to curb growth
• if the herb is to be used further, cut during the flowering period

Detecting and combating diseases and pests

Oregano proves to be robust and resilient. Pests and diseases tend to be the exception. If the soil is too poor, leaf discoloration can occur. Yellowing of the undersides of leaves indicates that a nutrient deficiency has occurred. This can be remedied with the addition of horn meal or organic liquid fertilizer.

Tip: If the soil is too moist, the leaves will wilt. A watering break should be inserted so that the soil can dry out. There will be less irrigation in the future.

Infestations with aphids or cicadas have occasionally been observed.


Aphids can attack the leaves and flowers. If detected early, a hard jet of water is usually sufficient to drive away the insects. A mild detergent solution also reliably drives away aphids, so that no chemical pesticides have to be used.


Cicadas attach themselves to the leaves of the oregano and lay their eggs. If fungal spores are transmitted as a result, the oregano will not bloom in the following year. Spraying the plant with a diluted vinegar essence helps against cicadas. The undersides of the leaves should be treated more often.

Propagating oregano

Propagation is possible by sowing, division and cuttings.

Propagation by seed

Oregano can be grown on the window sill as early as February. Sowing can also be done outdoors from Aprildone.

Warning: Oregano needs light to germinate. The seeds are therefore not covered with soil.

The seeds are scattered on the loose soil and only lightly pressed. There should be a distance of about ten centimeters between the individual seeds, as the young plants spread quickly.

Reproduction by division

Propagation by division is done in autumn. To do this, the plant is taken out of the ground and divided in the middle. In this way, two plants of equal value can be obtained, which should be replanted immediately. This form of propagation should only be used with perennial and well-developed plants.

Propagation by cuttings

The right time for the cuttings is early summer. Side shoots about ten centimeters long are removed from the plants. The cutting is rooted in sandy soil and planted out in its final location after a few weeks.

Harvesting and Processing

The fresh leaves and shoot tips can be harvested all year round. Herbs are usually harvested before flowering if you want to process them further. It's a little different with oregano. Waiting for the flowers to appear here. Then the plant has the best aroma and can retain it during the drying process.

To dry, cut off the herb about 15 centimeters below the flower. The branches can be tied loosely and hung in an airy and dark space. Once the bouquet has dried, it is removed and stored in containers in the kitchen, otherwise mold can form.

Oregano has a slightly bitter, strong taste. A fine sweetness is also evident. The contained phenols and essential oils are responsible for the taste. Phenols have an antibacterial and antifungal effect.