Organic fertilizer: 4 variants presented for the garden

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Especially those who grow fruit and vegetables in their garden should always use organic fertilizers. These 4 fertilizer variants are recommended.

In recent years, the term "organic" has become more and more present. However, more and more people rely not only on organic food, but also on organic fertilizer. No wonder, because in the meantime more and more high-quality and above all effective organic fertilizers (finished products) are being offered in specialist shops.

But organic is not only better for the garden, it is also better for you. The use of organic fertilizers is strongly recommended, especially for growing your own fruit and vegetables. The advantage here is that far fewer pesticide residues form in the fruit. In addition, experts keep reporting that the release of nutrients from organic fertilizers is slower, but particularly sustainable.

4 organic fertilizers for the garden presented

1. Organic Bio Fertilizer:

The range of organic organic fertilizers is extremely extensive. However, you can easily produce many of these organic fertilizers yourself. For example, you can make nettle manure yourself, apply compost or create a foundation. Any type of animal manure is also an organic fertilizer and is often available in small quantities from the nearest farmer. Algae fertilizers, guano, bark mulch and the like are also available in specialist shops under the “Organic Fertilizers” section. More on this in the article "Organic Fertilizer".

2. Organic Compost:

Anyone who has decided on an organic garden can of course also create an organic compost. You just have to make sure that you only use biological waste within the compost. This also includes food that can be used on a compost. Reading tip: What can go in the compost?

3. Organic Horn Shavings:

Organic horn shavings and organic horn meal are certainly among the most popular organic fertilizers for a garden. This organic product is primarily obtained from horn parts from organic cattle breeding. Read how to use this organic fertilizer correctlyhere: use horn shavings as fertilizer - application of the nitrogen fertilizer in detail.

4. Organic Fertilizer Concentrate:

Organic fertilizer concentrate is available in liquid form (e.g. as liquid NPK fertilizer) and as a powder. The advantages of these products are described with a neutral smell and easy handling, which in turn results in an optimal fertilizing effect on the plants. Of course, you can also purchase organic fertilizer concentrates for indoor plants. On top of that, these organic fertilizer concentrates are now also produced specifically for plants, including as berry fertilizer, tomato fertilizer, herb fertilizer, etc.