Watering and fertilizing the hemp palm - This is what the need for tub palms depends on

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Hemp palms are quite easy to care for. However, they require a minimum of care. The supply of water and fertilizer is essential.

We actually only know palm trees from hot regions. You don't necessarily get the idea that they might need a lot of water here. But this is the case with palm trees that are cultivated in pots.

For example, hemp palms cultivated in tubs need regular watering at short intervals. The situation is similar with regard to fertilization. In the following we will show you how to properly care for your hemp palm.

How often do I have to water my cannabis palm?

The correct time intervals when watering depend on the size of the hemp palm and the ambient temperature. If you stick a finger about five centimeters into the substrate and you feel little or no moisture on the pad of your finger, the plant needs water urgently.

A fundamental difference between the hemp palm and many other plants is that it does not hibernate. Growth slows down in winter and the need for water is reduced, but by no means as much as with most other palm trees. So even if you overwinter the hemp palm, you have to provide it with water.

How much should I water my cannabis palm?

Pour water into the palm tub in small batches. Once you see moisture coming out of the drainage hole, the amount is sufficient. However, do not carry out this test on a completely dried-out substrate, as the water will then simply run through here.

The method also works in the opposite direction: put water in the planter. After twenty minutes to half an hour, the water should be completely absorbed and you should be able to feel the top part of the substrate with your finger. If there is still water in the cachepot after half an hour, the amount was too large. If you don't feel any moisture with your finger, the amount was too small.

If your palm tub does not have a drainage hole, you should repot the hemp palm unless you know exactly how much water you need. Stagnant moisture can lead to root rot and, as a result, completelead to death of the plant.

What to do if I forgot to water?

Fill a large container - for example a plastic tub - with water and place the palm planter in it. Wait until there are no more air bubbles or until you can feel the moisture at the top of the bucket with your finger.

If the hemp palm appears to have dried up completely, it is still worth starting a rescue attempt with the immersion bath. Often there is still life in the palm tree, even if it is no longer visible from the outside.

Do I have to fertilize my hemp palm?

Hemp palms should be fertilized about every two weeks from spring to autumn. As the substrate ages, so does the demand. Freshly repotted palm trees need to be fertilized less often, while plants that have been in a bucket for a long time need to be fertilized more often. It is best to use a special palm fertilizer, such as this one. The need for nutrients is optimally tailored to the needs of palm trees.