Pruning a hazelnut tree - That's how it's done

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The hazelnut tree is one of the more easy-care trees and does not necessarily have to be pruned. But every now and then he should be brought into shape.

The hazelnut tree is one of the most undemanding trees that you can plant in your garden (reading tip: hazelnut tree - cultivation and care). Only the hazelnut borer can sometimes give him problems. Basically, it doesn't need to be cut unless you want to keep it in a specific shape. Things are different when the hazelnut tree has suddenly grown very large. After all, the hazelnut tree can grow very luxuriantly within a short period of time. If there is no longer enough space available, it should even be cut back. If the plant is already very old, you can treat it to a rejuvenation pruning before the leaves sprout.

If you only want to keep the natural growth, it is sufficient if you thin out the tree from time to time. To do this, you simply need to cut off the dry and old shoots near the ground. With the corkscrew hazelnut, on the other hand, it is the case that it has its typical growth habit. Here it is sufficient if you occasionally remove the wild shoots on the rootstock.

Choose the right time

➔ Timing for topiary:

Basically, you don't have to prune your hazelnut tree at all. If you still want to get it in shape, it is sufficient if you carry out this work every two to three years. However, the right time is important. Since these trees flower much earlier than others, namely in February or March, the topiary should definitely be done in winter.

The good thing is that the wood is quite dry at this point, so it doesn't bleed as much because most of the sap is in the roots of the tree. You'll also have a much better overview because there aren't any leaves covering the branches.

➔ Timing for taper pruning:

If you want to rejuvenate the tree, it is best to spread the pruning over a total of three years. Between October and March you should prune about a third of all branches to about 40 cm. In the second yearthen half of the remaining branches follow, and then in the third year the rest.

➔ Special case corkscrew hazelnut:

The branches of the corkscrew hazelnut are twisted. Branches growing straight up from the base can spoil this look. So it's best to cut these off. You don't have to stick to a fixed time here. You can simply cut these branches off all year round.

Tips for pruning hazelnuts

➔ Tip 1 - remove the correct parts:

If you want to prune your hazelnut tree, it is important to remove the right parts. The plant can grow very luxuriantly. To prevent overgrowth, it is best to first remove the shoots from the trunk. You should also remove rungs from the ground, otherwise you may soon have a second tree right next to it. (Reading tip: Propagating hazelnut bushes - 3 options presented with instructions)

But not only the shoots should be considered when pruning. Old, dead branches within the treetop must also be removed. This ensures that more light gets to the plant in spring and summer.

➔ Tip 2 - keep the hazelnut tree small:

The hazelnut can reach a height of up to 10 meters. So if you want to keep them smaller, you have to intervene in good time. For the maintenance cut, cut about a third of the old shoots directly at the base. This also applies to the flowering and dead shoots of the plant. This is the only way for the fresh shoots to develop unhindered, because there is enough space available. Cut back the hazelnut in this way about every two years to keep the tree he althy and thriving.