Propagating fan palms - this is how it works by sowing and dividing

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Fan palms radiate a South Seas feeling and make you want more. That's why we explain how you can multiply fan palms.

Fan palms look fantastic in every living room, on the windowsill, on the terrace or even on the balcony. If the fanned palm fronds rustle gently in the wind, you can dream straight back to your last vacation by the sea. Sun, beach and sea - that gives you goosebumps, doesn't it? But why not bring the sea home? Multiply the fan palm and experience a sea of palm trees in your own home.

Propagate fan palm by seed

Fan palms are relatively easy to sow, which is why you should give it a try. The best time for sowing begins in late summer and ends in autumn. After that, the seeds don't grow as well. You can usually harvest the seeds from the fan palm yourself. However, the fan palms rarely form seeds in our latitudes. Especially since you would need a male and a female palm for this. You can also get these seeds in specialist shops, DIY stores or from Amazon:

So that the seeds have a good chance to sprout, you should always pay attention to the following:

  • Soak the seeds in lukewarm water
  • Prefer sowing in pots or planters
  • Keep soil always moist
  • Use soil mix

The seeds are excellent for spreading in small flower pots. Alternatively, a smaller flower box is also suitable, which you only fill halfway up with soil. However, not every potting soil is suitable as soil. In practice, a mixture of lava granulate, sand, gravel, peat and compost has proven to be optimal. The seeds and later seedlings then find very good conditions in the substrate to grow into strong young plants.

[Sow the seeds in the ground and cover them with a thin layer of soil. Then keep the soil moist at all times, but make sure that no waterlogging forms. You can also cover the pot with clear foil or place it directly on a indoor greenhouse so that a warm and humid environment can develop.

» Tip: Cover the plant pots with aIf you remove foil or put the seeds in a mini greenhouse, you must let the seeds air daily to prevent mold from forming.

Germination takes a few months. You can usually tell in the spring whether plants have formed from the seeds. As soon as the seedlings are a few centimeters high, you can plant them individually in their own flower pot.

» Tip: Young plants do not tolerate direct sunlight at the beginning. Therefore, place the flower pot in a light but protected from the sun.

Can you propagate fan palms by division?

Many plants can be propagated by division. But does this also work with the fan palm? In principle, this is not possible at first, since only one main stem grows out of the root, through which the entire plant is nourished. However, you may be lucky if you repot the fan palm: you may find that the fan palm starts to multiply itself. Then you can do as follows:

  • If side shoots or sprouts come off the root, you can carefully separate them from the main plant with a sharp knife. You then have to stick the side shoots into moist soil. Here you can follow the recommendation for sowing.
  • If the shoot is already a sprout with its own stem, treat it like a very tender young plant. Then follow these fan palm care instructions.