Fight whiteflies on kohlrabi - This helps against the pests

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If your kohlrabi gets yellow leaves, the whitefly is usually to blame. We'll show you how to get rid of them quickly.

When whiteflies attack your kohlrabi, you need to act quickly. Here you will learn how to recognize the widespread pests and the damage to kohlrabi, how to fight the pests effectively and how to take effective preventive measures. Because if you don't do anything, the whiteflies can destroy the whole harvest.

Whiteflies: Identify pests and damage

Whiteflies reach a total body length of about two, occasionally up to three millimeters. They are easily identified by their white wings and jumping rather than flying movement pattern. The pests are mainly found on the underside of the kohlrabi leaves, which then take on a yellowish color and show a speckled to spotted pattern.

The whiteflies suck the sap of the plants and leave their eggs in the leaves. The larvae are white to translucent. Whitefly excrement contains fructose, which in turn serves as a food source for harmful fungi such as sooty mold. If the infestation is severe, you can see the excretions as a tough, sticky layer called honeydew on the leaves.

Control of whitefly infestation of kohlrabi

If you want to get rid of whiteflies, you can take several measures at once. Among other things, you can use parasitic wasps, set up yellow boards or use an insecticide to combat them.

» Ichneumon wasps:

If you grow your kohlrabi in the greenhouse, beneficial insects are ideal as conscientious helpers in the fight against the pests. The use of parasitic wasps, for example, has proven to be particularly effective. The insects lay their eggs in the larvae of the whitefly, thus preventing a new generation from arising. You can buy parasitic wasps in the form of fly larvae that are stuck on cardboard cards (e.g. available here). Simply hang these cards on the kohlrabi plants and the parasitic wasps will do the rest all by themselves.

»Yellow boards:

The sticky insect traps are easy to use. Just place them between the kohlrabi plants. Many whiteflies will soon be caught in the clinging film on the panels. However, do not use yellow panels and beneficial insects such as parasitic wasps together! After all, you don't want to fight your own allies. By the way, yellow boards are available here.

» Insecticides:

Insecticides can also be used successfully to control whiteflies. In any case, please make sure to use a product that is suitable for eating vegetables. Pyrethrum-based natural insecticides, for example, are particularly suitable. We recommend, for example, Naturen Schädlingsfrei Obst & Gemüse.

Prevent mass whitefly infestations

If you want to prevent mass whitefly infestations, you should remove affected leaves immediately. Under no circumstances should you compost the removed leaves. Otherwise, the pests could quickly spread again in the garden. Instead, put the affected parts of the plant in an airtight plastic bag that you dispose of with household waste. Also check the stock in your vegetable garden regularly and act immediately.