Homemade liqueurs are absolutely trendy. No wonder, because it's also child's play. How about a delicious kiwi liqueur?
Liquors are rarely bought by most people these days. The trend is finally towards do-it-yourself. No wonder, because the orchard literally invites you to do so. But the herb garden also has a lot to offer. For example, if you have planted sage, oregano, mint, thyme, basil and chamomile in your garden, you can use them to make a herbal liqueur yourself, which is also suitable as a digestive schnapps. The great thing about the whole thing: homemade liqueurs are a great gift.
The problem with the whole thing: most people often can't decide which fruits to use to conjure up a delicious liqueur. How about a kiwi liqueur? It is quick and easy to make and can be refined to suit your own taste. Just give it a try.
Basic ingredients for the kiwi liqueur:
- 8 ripe kiwis
- 200 g white rock candy
- 700ml Korn or Vodka
- 1 vanilla bean
You can add:
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1/2 tsp orange or lemon zest
- Herbs
- Chili
- 1 drop of green food coloring
Preparation of the kiwi liqueur:
1Peel and slice the kiwis. Then transfer to a wide-mouthed container along with the white rock candy and vanilla bean. If you like, you can also add herbs, some orange peel or other spices. Just experiment a bit. Then top up with Korn or vodka.
2Now close the container and let it rest in a dark, cool place for about 8 weeks. However, within the first two days, it is important that you stir the mixture once or twice so that the sugar dissolves more quickly. Then leave the liqueur to rest.
3Once the 8 weeks are up, pour the kiwi liqueur through a sieve to filter out any solids. Then strain again through a fine cloth or a coffee filter. So there are no more pieces in the liqueur later. So it's pretty clear.
4If you like, you can get one nowAdd drops of green food coloring to give the liqueur a richer green color. Otherwise, you can fill it in one large bottle or several small bottles and enjoy it now.