Pasnips are on the rise. Not only because they are so he althy, but also because they taste delicious. Cultivation is also very easy.
The parsnip is currently making a big comeback. Grow the easy-care root vegetable yourself and harvest from autumn until next spring - because the white root is a real winter vegetable that tastes even better after the first frost. Will be sown from March. Afterwards, the parsnips do not need much care. Good soil preparation, regular watering and weeding from time to time are the main things you need to do when growing parsnips.
Location and soil for growing parsnips
A sunny to partially shaded location with humus-rich, deep soil is best. The looser the soil, the deeper and straighter the root vegetables will grow. Loosen the soil with a hoe and work in plenty of compost. The soil should remain loose during the entire germination and growth period, so work the soil with a hoe from time to time.
Tip: Make sure that you only approach the bed from the outside. Every superfluous step compacts the earth again!
How to sow parsnips properly
Pasnip seeds do not keep indefinitely. Always get fresh seeds for sowing, which should not be more than a year old. The ideal sowing time is from March/April. You have to sow the granules directly in the open ground. 2 grains per 10 centimeters. Sow in rows 30 to 40 centimeters apart.
The seeds germinate very slowly. It can take up to four weeks for the first shoots to appear. Sometimes even longer. So don't panic if nothing happens at first! You must always keep the soil moist during the germination period. As soon as the young plants are visible, you can carefully chop all around and regularly remove weeds. A layer of hay mulch also helps to keep weeds away. In addition, the plants must be separated to 10 to 20 centimeters.
Tip: Parsnips go well in the bed with onions, beetroot and spinach. carrots in the immediateNeighborhood are not so cheap. That's because carrots and parsnips are umbellifers and attract the same pests.
Care for, water and fertilize until harvest
The winter vegetable is relatively undemanding. If you have already used plenty of compost before sowing, this is usually sufficient for the entire growing season. Water is more important. Water regularly because parsnips need a lot of moisture. They grow slowly, but the results are very good.
Harvest, prepare and enjoy!
You can harvest from late summer. The root vegetables then taste a little tart and slightly bitter. Parsnips only develop their typical, rather sweet taste after the first frost. To harvest, carefully lift out the entire plant with the digging fork. Incidentally, the roots can be harvested throughout the winter, because they don't mind the cold. They stop growing after October/November, but stay fresh.
Tip: You can prepare the white roots in many different ways. They fit into soups, stews, casseroles and vegetable dishes.