Potatoes are considered fattening foods. But is that really true or are they even suitable for losing weight? We'll tell you.
The Germans' favorite side dish for countless dishes is the potato. It can not only be integrated into the diet in many ways, but also contains many vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in carbohydrates and valuable amino acids.
But it is precisely the high proportion of starch that has earned it the reputation of being fattening. With regard to the right diet for losing weight, there has been a rethink in recent years: Too much fat should no longer be the culprit for too many pounds on your ribs, carbohydrates should also only be consumed in moderation.
» Difference between now and then
Carbohydrates are sources of energy, which in earlier times were extremely important in order to be able to cope with daily work. In the past, people had to work hard physically and moved more. Today, on the other hand, even short distances are covered by car and we can even do our shopping over the Internet. We're getting more and more comfortable.
Most people don't use that much energy these days. Accordingly, the supply of energy, i.e. carbohydrates, must be reduced. The carbs that aren't used during the day are turned into fat and end up on your hips.
The potato's reputation as a fattening agent is unjustified, as it always depends on how it is used in the diet. Potatoes can even help you lose weight if used correctly.
» Big advantage: long feeling of satiety
If you want to lose weight, you should definitely reduce the daily calorie intake. After all, more must be burned than is available. So you inevitably have to eat less, that's the only way weight reduction works. The biggest problem for most people who want to lose weight is the feeling of hunger that will set in sooner or later.
In the context of a diet, foods are needed that ensure a feeling of satiety for as long as possible. And that is the great strength of the potato. Because it is rich in carbohydrates, whichPotatoes are digested particularly slowly. If you then let the potatoes cool down a bit after cooking, the starch they contain changes in such a way that the body is busy splitting them up longer.
» Average Calorie
If you look at the calorie content of the potato, of course it always depends on the respective preparation. In the form of fries, croquettes, potato pancakes or crisps, they naturally contain a lot of fat and should be absolutely taboo as part of a diet.
But if you prepare the potatoes as jacket or boiled potatoes, the potatoes have the lowest calorie content of all filling side dishes. Potatoes have a moderate 69 calories per 100 grams, while rice has 93 calories and noodles even a whopping 150 calories. In addition, potatoes contain almost no fat.
» Lose weight with the potato diet?
Yes, you can also use the potato as a main food to lose weight, namely as part of a special potato diet. This diet is particularly suitable for everyday use and can also be carried out longer, as the potato provides many vitamins and minerals.How does the potato diet work?
With the potato diet, around 600 grams of the he althy tuber are consumed daily, well distributed throughout the day. Of course, you shouldn't eat only potato dishes, but also include other vegetables, salad, lean meat and fish, and low-fat dairy products in your diet.
Potatoes contain a lot of potassium. This potassium helps in dehydration and detoxification of the body, which in turn promotes weight loss. For this reason, you should drink a lot of water during the procedure so that the body does not become dehydrated.
Exercise extremely important
Nothing works without sport. Losing weight always involves a lot of exercise, even with the potato diet. Endurance sports such as cycling or running are particularly suitable as part of the diet.