Dwarf peppers are relatively robust, but not resistant to diseases and pests. Mistakes in care can also cause problems for the plant.
All types of dwarf pepper are relatively resistant to pests and diseases. However, the robust plants register care errors and show this with discolored or falling leaves or root rot. In winter, too warm and dry heating air can also lead to an infestation with spider mites and red spiders. But with a little attention and care you can get everything under control again. Incorrect care can be corrected and the pests driven away with tried and tested means.
Recognize and avoid care mistakes
If the Peperomia quickly loses many or even all of its leaves, this can have various causes. Eligible:
❍ too much or too little light:
The dwarf pepper needs a bright and sunny location. However, direct sunlight is not favourable. So move the plant to a more suitable spot.
❍ too much or too little water:
Water only once a week and ensure a good drainage. The leaves also like high humidity. Occasional spraying with water is especially good for them.
If the dwarf pepper gets too much water and waterlogging forms permanently, root rot occurs. You can recognize the disease by the fact that the Peperomia smells musty and looks weak. Change the soil and remove rotten-looking root parts when repotting. Before inserting the roots must dry well. With a bit of luck, the plant will recover.
❍ Nutrient Deficiency:
The dwarf pepper generally needs few nutrients. In the growth phase from spring to autumn you should provide it with a liquid complete fertilizer once a month. This will correct any nutrient deficiency.
❍ Leaf discolouration:
Blackening of leaves occurs when using a leaf shine spray. There are small stomata on the upper side of the leaves, which the spray seals. The leaves then turn black and die. lighterLeaf discoloration, on the other hand, is usually a sign of pest infestation.
So that there are no problems with the Peperomia in the first place, here are some important tips on how to properly care for the dwarf pepper.
Recognize and combat spider mites and red spiders
The pests often spread in warm and very dry heating air. You can recognize the spider mite infestation by the delicate, white webs in the leaf axils and on the leaf edges. Dried and discolored leaves also occur.
Red spiders cover the entire leaves with a fine web. The leaves turn yellow, brown or copper-colored. You will also see small spots on the leaves, which can be white or yellowish.
➜ This helps against the pests:
Shower the affected plant thoroughly. Also on the underside of the leaves. Then put the dwarf pepper in a plastic bag while it is still wet and seal the bag airtight. The plant should then remain in this packaging in a warm place for several days. The resulting humidity creates a kind of sauna effect, which kills most pests.
For prevention, spray the Peperomia every week with low-lime, lukewarm water. This creates higher humidity, which has a deterrent effect on the parasites.