You like atmospheric birdsong? Then read here how to attract birds and what you need to do to keep them in your garden.
First of all: if the garden is busy, there are children, loud music is played or barbecues are constantly being held, then the chance of birds nesting here is extremely small. After all, birds like it quiet, even if they can get very loud themselves. If your garden is rather quiet, then here are some helpful tips on how to bring the harmonious chirping of birds into your garden.
Birds not only enrich the garden acoustically, they also devour plant pests. Especially during the breeding season, as their young need the protein-rich food. Attract birds to your garden to enjoy their chirping, kill two birds with one stone.
How to attract birds to your garden
» Tip 1 - provide nesting sites:
Provide nesting sites. Birds like to build their nests in the dense branches of trees, bushes and hedges. So if you only have flowers and perennials in the garden, you will have to wait in vain for birds.
You can also hang up nesting boxes. Please note that the entrance holes on the weather side must point away from the east and the sun cannot shine in too much. Also hang up the nest boxes so that cats and martens cannot get to them. The same applies to birdhouses, by the way. Reading tip: Set up the bird feeder correctly - you have to take everything into account.
» Tip 2 - plant berry bushes:
Plant shrubs that will bear berries, which are a natural food source for birds. Elderberry, sloe, viburnum, barberry, privet and hawthorn are recommended.
» Tip 3 - Plant wildflowers:
But birds don't only like berries. They also love the seeds of native wild herbs and flowers. For example, birds are particularly attracted to evening primrose, St. John's wort, nettles and plantains. So it doesn't matter if you don't pull weeds.
» Tip 4 - Attract insects:
It's also sensible growthsto plant that attract insects. These include e.g. Buddleja, Sedum and Phlox. Attracting insects will in turn attract birds.
» Tip 5 - Prepare birdseed:
Provide dry food in birdhouses or fat balls (instructions for this here) on trees. However, this is only in the winter months, because then it is particularly difficult for the birds to find food.
For feeding, really only use fat balls, winter feed mixtures for outdoor use, sunflower seeds, raisins or oatmeal. On the other hand, you should not offer watery foods, potatoes and bread to the little animals. This can harm them and in the worst case even kill them.
» Tip 6 - Green facade:
If you plan to add greenery to the facade of your house, you are automatically doing something to attract birds. Blackbirds, for example, love walls overgrown with ivy, Virginia creeper or knotweed.
Just try these tips. You'll be amazed at how many lodgers you suddenly have.