After the festive Sunday roast, one thing should not be missing: the digestive herb liqueur. You can easily make it yourself with this recipe.
A herbal liqueur is often drunk after a meal to stimulate digestion and counteract the feeling of fullness. In order for this to succeed, it doesn't even have to be an expensive drop from the store. A simple homemade herbal liqueur will do, too. The great thing about it: if you make the herbal liqueur yourself, you can prepare it entirely according to your taste. And also: herbal liqueur is a great homemade gift from the garden.You will need:
❖ Alcohol:
To make your own herbal liqueur, you obviously need an alcoholic base. This could be vodka or Korn, for example.
❖ Herbs:
You also have to decide which herbs are to be added to the liqueur later. In principle, you can combine the herbs according to your own taste. It should be two grams per herb - either dried or fresh. Ideal herbs for the liqueur include rosemary, sage, oregano, mint, thyme, basil and chamomile.
❖ Rock Candy & Organic Lemon:
You will also need 800 grams of sugar. It is best to use candy here. If you want, you can round off the taste later with a little lemon zest. For this you need an unsprayed organic lemon.
❖ dark glass bottle:
You must always fill the herbal liqueur into a dark glass bottle so that the ingredients and the aroma are not negatively affected by the light.
How to make herbal liqueur yourself
➥ Step 1:
Pour one liter of the alcohol into a container that you can seal airtight later. Then pour in the sugar. Then add the washed and chopped herbs. You don't have to weigh these out to two grams each - you can also use a tablespoon each. Finally, add some of the grated lemon zest.
➥ Step 2:
Once you have combined all the ingredients, all you have to do is close the jar tightly and mix the mixture wellLeave in a warm place for four to six weeks. During this time, it is important that you stir the mixture carefully every day or shake the jar well.
➥ Step 3:
After four to six weeks, all you have to do is pour the liquid through a fine sieve and then fill the finished herbal liqueur into a dark glass bottle. To refine you can then add star anise, allspice, honey or agave syrup.
By the way: Since the alcohol content of the herbal liqueur is very high, you can store it for a few years without any problems.