Growing broccoli in the garden is actually not difficult. Only diseases and pests make cultivation difficult. Then act immediately.
Broccoli is not only delicious and he althy, but unfortunately it is also susceptible to various pests and diseases. Cabbage flies, cabbage hernia and downy mildew often cause problems for vegetables in our latitudes. Here we explain what you have to do to prevent an infestation or illness from occurring in the first place.Cabbage Flies
Poor growth and quickly wilting leaves may indicate cabbage fly infestation of broccoli. These pests lay their eggs in the roots and bottom of the stem. If suspect, pull a broccoli out of the ground. Depending on the stage of infestation, you can recognize the maggot burrows, the white maggots or the brownish pupae of the cabbage fly.
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Unfortunately, there are no approved effective means for controlling these dangerous pests for private garden owners. However, you can take appropriate precautionary measures for the next year. Close-meshed vegetable protection nets (available here), for example, offer effective protection.
If you don't like the nets for visual reasons, you can use cabbage collars, which are available cheaply in gardening shops. These block the way for the cabbage flies to reach their preferred places to lay their eggs. A similar effect can be achieved by piling up soil around the stalks of the young plants.
Clubroot is a widespread disease of broccoli that is caused by an infestation of the pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae. The fungus lives in the soil and causes proliferating cell growth in the roots, which can be easily recognized by the nodular thickening. Other symptoms include wilted leaves and stunted growth.
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The best way to prevent clubroot is to not rotate crops too tightly in the vegetable patch. Also, loosen the soil regularly and lower the soil pH with copious additions of lime.
Downy mildew
Downy mildew is caused by the fungusPeronospora parasitica caused. The disease can be recognized by a light-colored fungal growth on the underside of the leaves. In the later stages of the infestation, the fungus also spreads to the "florets" and the tops of the leaves turn yellowish.
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Prevent the disease with the right watering technique. Always water the soil directly around the plants and never the foliage. In addition, the spread of the fungus can be prevented by planting your broccoli in mixed cultures and also by keeping generous planting distances. Reading tip: Planting broccoli - you have to consider this when choosing the location, sowing and care.