Breeding oyster mushrooms on tree stump

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A tree stump in the garden can be effectively used for oyster mushroom cultivation. So you always have a supply of the popular edible mushroom at home.

In every garden there are times when a tree has to be felled. What's left is a tree stump that normally has no use anymore. But if you are a mushroom lover and have always wanted to set up your own mushroom farm, then the oyster mushroom is perfect for your first cultivation attempts.

The oyster mushroom or oyster mushroom is a popular edible mushroom. Therefore, there is great interest in growing the oyster mushroom yourself. Breeding on wood is also referred to as inoculation. The two most important ingredients for a successful oyster mushroom cultivation are good wood and a strong mushroom spawn, in professional circles called mycelium.

Which wood is suitable for growing oyster mushrooms?

Stumps left over from deciduous trees are particularly good for growing mushrooms. These include:

  • Oak
  • Willow
  • Poplar
  • Birch
  • Beech

The felling of wood should not have been more than 2 to 3 months ago. The fresher the log the better.

Growing oyster mushrooms on a wooden stump - Here's how!

Oyster mushrooms can be farmed all year round, but the best period is from May to September. The other months it could be too cold, making growth difficult.

Water the log well before inoculating. To inoculate the tree stump, two wedges are hacked in from its edges, which have a depth of three to about six centimeters. The mushroom spawn is crumbled into these prepared columns. You can get the mushroom spawn in garden shops or via the Internet, for example at Amazon. Then close the cracks with foil and tape so that the mushroom spawn does not dry out. Keep the stem evenly moist but not too wet.

Even if the mushroom spawn is created quickly, pay attention to freshness when buying. Retailers or manufacturers should guarantee this, because this is the only way to successfully grow edible mushrooms in your own garden. If the tree stump weighs around 100 kilograms, it can produce aroundfive to even ten kilograms of oyster mushrooms.