The service tree is becoming increasingly rare in our gardens. It bears very tasty fruits and is also very undemanding in terms of care.

The service tree is a tree that is rarely seen today. The Speierling is also called Spierapfel or Spierling. It belongs to the wild fruit trees, from whose fruits jams and juices can be made.
The number of trees decreases rapidly every year. Nevertheless, many people like to plant this tree in their own garden. Although the tree is basically very undemanding, there are still a few things to consider when caring for it if you want to keep the service tree for a long time.
The optimal planting time
The service tree is a tree that is often planted in the home garden because it bears very good fruit. The tree is planted as a young plant in autumn. This has the advantage that the ground is still warm, which is how the service tree likes it. In addition, a calcareous soil should be chosen, because this is preferred by the service tree. The tree is planted in autumn and can then spend the winter outdoors.
Due to the high humidity and the high soil moisture in winter, the roots can be anchored very well in the ground and the tree can settle well in the ground. It should be ensured that there is no waterlogging in the area of the roots, because the service tree does not like this. If you plant narrow sprouts, you should support them with a bamboo stick. The plant grows very quickly, but often needs support at the beginning until the shoots have become stronger and thicker. The bamboo stick also helps to ensure that the thin branches do not snap due to the often strong wind, but can move in the wind.
The right location
The service tree is a very frugal plant that gets along very well with many locations. It should only be ensured that the tree has enough space to spread out. Therefore, all surrounding bushes should be removed. Usually a place is chosen in advance where the service tree can unfold its full splendor without being restricted in its growth. The tree needs a lot of sun to grow. This is why he is often found in forestsstunted. Other trees grow faster and take away the sunlight from the service tree. However, this is vital for him, which is why he should be planted in a sunny spot in the garden.
The right watering
The service tree is a very robust, hardy tree species once it has established itself. Immediately after planting, there are often failures because the young plants are sensitive to enemies. Once the young plant has grown into a large tree, it is resistant to many external influences.
The service tree needs a lot of water to thrive. In summer, it should be watered with plenty of water at least once a day. Since the service tree likes calcareous soil very much, the rainwater, which is calcareous, can also be used for watering. However, care should be taken to ensure that the soil does not become waterlogged. Therefore, many owners prefer to water the service tree with less water, but two to three times a day. In winter, the service tree needs less water because it gets the liquid it needs from the ground.
The right fertilizer
Many plants need to be fertilized regularly to develop their full splendor. This does not apply to the service tree. This tree is very robust against external influences. If you plant young plants in your garden at home, you can treat them with a slow-release fertilizer so that the young plants can grow well.
Many people also use compost, which they pour into the soil before filling in the hole. This ensures that fertilizer and compost reach the roots and the young plants can develop. Subsequent fertilization is no longer necessary.
Protection against game browsing
The service tree has few natural enemies. Since this tree bears very tasty fruit, the trunk and roots are also popular food for various wild animals. Especially voles are after the service tree. Therefore, the roots should be protected with a wire. So-called wire baskets can be bought. The young plant is placed in the wire basket and thus buried in the ground. The trunk should also be protected with a wire. A fine wire mesh is used for this, which is wrapped around the tree trunk. The voles no longer have the opportunity to eat the trunk or the roots.
Protection against frost and cracks
Once the service tree has grown into a large tree, it is a very robust tree. Too much sunlight, but also too frequent frost can damage the barkdamage. This gets cracks and sooner or later the tree will be destroyed. The trunk of the service tree can therefore be covered with a jute sack in autumn. Burlap cloth can be purchased in bulk to wrap the entire trunk.
Another option is to paint it white. The trunk is well painted with a special white paint, such as this one.
Protection against diseases
The young plants are still relatively susceptible to diseases. Above all, the fungal infestation is often very pronounced. To prevent this, the young plants can be treated regularly with a fungicide. This prevents, but also kills fungi and their spores.
Aphid infestation is also a common disease in service trees. These can be killed off in a targeted manner using different products without the service tree being attacked.
The right cut
The service tree should be trimmed a bit in the spring. The branches usually grow evenly, so that the service tree always keeps a beautiful shape. Nevertheless, he althy branches should also be trimmed a little. The advantage of this is that the tree looks nice and the branches grow back stronger and stronger.
Particularly in the first year after the service tree has been set, it should be pruned hard. A later cut in the following years is no longer absolutely necessary.