Savoy is a very easy-care cabbage that is rarely attacked by diseases and pests. If so, then you must act quickly.
In terms of diseases and pests, Savoy cabbage does not differ significantly from white or red cabbage. So the plant is preferably visited by some pests to lay their eggs. The larvae then become voracious pests. However, this can be prevented by regularly checking the plant. Protective nets also help protect the cabbage plants from pests and birds.
What can be done to prevent it?
There are some plants that voracious caterpillars avoid. These include marigolds, tomato plants and marigolds. If these plants are cultivated in the immediate vicinity of Savoy cabbage, a natural protective barrier is built up.
Another good way to counteract disease and pest infestation is to follow crop rotation. If you cultivate savoy for several years in a row and in the same location, this weakens the plant and increases the risk of disease and pest infestation. Savoy cabbage therefore needs to be relocated because it is a heavy feeder and the soil needs several years to regenerate.
In need of special protection - young plants
Young plants are particularly at risk in the vegetable garden. The delicate leaves are a favorite food for snails. Those who do not manage with a close-meshed cover here will often see their harvest at serious risk, if not completely lost. The larvae of the cabbage white butterfly can also attack the young plants and cause them to become bare if they are not covered.
These diseases and pests can occur
❍ Clubroot:
The slime mold Plasmodiophora brassicae occurs increasingly in cruciferous plants. A feared vector is the mustard plant. Strawberries are also possible carriers, although they are not affected by clubroot. This disease affects the savoy cabbage the worst. It seems particularly insidious that the spores can survive in the soil for several years. The fungus first attaches itself to the roots. through the arisingThickening of the roots then makes it difficult for them to absorb nutrients. In the event of an infestation, uncontrolled cell division occurs and the savoy gradually dies off completely.
What needs to be done?
So far there has been no effective method of combating this. Fertilizing with calcium cyanamide can demonstrably contain the infestation, but not eliminate it completely. As a preventative measure, the rotation of crops must be strictly adhered to. Cultivation of cruciferous plants at the site should be avoided. If you loosen the soil regularly and provide the soil with compost in spring and autumn, you can prevent an infestation with clubroot. The savoy plants remain he althy and resilient.
By the way:
Cruciferous plants are also frequently attacked by the yellow beet mosaic virus. The disease is transmitted by various beetles. The winter savoy is particularly endangered here. Prolonged drought favors the outbreak of the disease.
❍ Cabbage White:
In summer, the caterpillars of the cabbage white butterfly can often be seen on savoy cabbage. The infestation cannot be overlooked, because initially the leaves show small holes. It doesn't take long before they become bald.
What to do?
The caterpillars of the cabbage white butterfly sit on the underside of the leaves and are easy to collect. Collecting the caterpillars is the simplest, cheapest and most environmentally friendly option. As a preventative measure, you can stretch tight-meshed nets over the savoy cabbage.
❍ Diamond Scale:
If changes are seen on the leaves, if they appear yellowish instead of deep green and if they curl up, this is a clear sign of an infestation with the diamondback insect. It is important to check the savoy cabbage for this in early spring. The females are not bothered by the frost and after they have hibernated in the vegetable garden, the infestation is often noticed as early as March. As the infestation progresses, the sooty mold excreted by the cabbage whitefly can become a problem and attract other pests.
What to do?
You will need some patience to control the cabbage whitefly. However, this usually succeeds without the use of chemical pesticides. If the plant is hosed down several times with soapy water, the scale insects can be removed quite reliably. The attachment of adhesive stickers has also proven itself. With the ladybug, the pest also has a natural predator that you are welcome to bring into the vegetable patch.
Always hold theseImplement crop rotation and do not grow savoy cabbage more than once in the same location. This is considered a very effective prevention.