Raspberries - Preventing Underground Growth

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Raspberries are tasty, but spread in the garden carelessly through underground root growth. Here are 2 tips on how to prevent that.

Raspberries are delicious, there's no question about that. But as delicious as the red, yellow or white raspberries that you can harvest in June and July are, raspberries can also grow profusely. The underground growth is not exceptional as they are root family.

Underground growth - what is it?

This means that new plants are constantly growing from their ever-branching roots. These plants do not bear fruit in the first year. This only happens the following year. After they bear fruit, the shoot dies. But the root continues to grow underground and provides "offspring" in other places.

Actually a fine thing, if it weren't for this usury that is difficult to keep in check. Because raspberries do not stop at the lawn or other beds. So how to curb the underground growth of raspberries?

Prevent underground growth - Here's how!

With spade and manpower

It's not that difficult. You take a shovel and push it into the ground in a line as deep as possible, at the edge that you don't want the raspberries to grow beyond. This cuts off root runners and you can rest for a while. You should repeat this procedure at least twice a year.

Create a root barrier

Another option, which is best used directly when planting the raspberry bush, is to set a root barrier. This root or rhizome barrier must be created in such a way that the entire growth area of the raspberries is covered. This is usually around 3 meters.

Important: Don't forget to water the raspberries regularly as the root barrier will "stop" rainwater. But it shouldn't be too much either, otherwise waterlogging will occur.